May 21Liked by WelcomeTheEagle88

Lost for words again, all so beyond evil. Gratitude for your continued fight and passion …and for now virtual salmon coming your way 😊🙏

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Thank you, dear Welcome the Eagle, for staying on it. Would that the parents would come forward.

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May 21Liked by WelcomeTheEagle88

I liked the part where you are especially attentive following holidays. That just feels right.

One suppressed report could be an "accident". A bunch of them - that's a coverup. Kinda makes me a little bit vax hesitant. (As in, never again).

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May 22Liked by WelcomeTheEagle88

Thanks for revisiting this Eagle.

And Anne Zink - your moneyshot page 67 - has left, retired as of last month.

She curiously came into her position right at the beginning of the reign of terror and now has gone away.......


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May 22Liked by WelcomeTheEagle88

Oh, and make sure to read the comments so you know how 50 Alaskans felt about her.

Two examples; "I remember a video she posted where she was virtually alone in a park to take a jog. She put a mask on and insisted that we all follow. That day I stopped listening to anything she has had to say. I wish for the sake of our state, she had just kept on running."


"Wow. Interesting. And disturbing. I for one would not want to be judged by the life of my mafia aspiring, bootlegging, speakeasy owning, multiple murder charged, philandering, grandfather. But alas, I do not endorse his lifestyle choices. Ok, maybe the bootlegging ."

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Thank you. Zink seems like a real peach. An ER doc, ya don't say. Mat-Su Regional Medical Ctr, ya don't say. Stanford & Univ of Utah, ya don't say, a couple of mutual connections on linkedin, ya don't say.... . Why do so many evil tards get spawned in Silicon Valley? Good catch on page 67 that's even better than the chick I was referencing... amazing comments in the Alaskanwatchman and amazing deep knowledge article.

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Thank you again, Great Eagle! Men such as you are indeed a blessing to humanity. We geeks of great morals and even greater staminal are going to get this all brought to light!

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Ah thanks Sally, it's an easy choice to stay on these evil clowns, even though it's costing me everything. I'm only worried about the next life and to make sure I did enough, because I know this is my purpose. Jesus had me in boot camp for 25yrs for this time. God Bless

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