"Trevor Fitzgibbon from the Intelligencer.today reports on Sept 22nd and includes a video of Dr. Zahra Pakbaz, MD that was already wiped from the internet! "

Random trivia from my activist past... Trevor Fitzgibbons is a dirtbag Washington PR player who ran Chelsea Manning's support Twitter account in 2010-2012ish time frame.. over time he burned a lot of folks including whistleblower attorney for Ed Snowden... he burned so many whistleblower support folks he was a marked man living in his car at the start of the pandemic lockdown

When Trevor showed up as named organizer of the original big Medical Freedom event at Lincoln Memorial it was a huge red flag the organizers were looped into toxic elements of the swamp.. I've been off social media since 2020 Twitter ban so not up to date w Trevor or his ilk but would not ever take any info from him at face value or assume pure motives w any effort he's tied to. #my2c

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Thank you for the Trevor Fitzgibbon deep knowledge. I'll file that away.

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I noticed that Dr. Zahra Pakbaz’s page at I think UCI was scrubbed pretty quickly after Akexi’s information went viral.

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Oct 13Liked by Closed VAERS

You interested me with something in this article. I like looking at the trials and studies. Like the RSV for adults which is a childhood disease they put RSV in that vaccine. Funny how they give the kids the dose for adults and kids in the trials. The adults they give the adult doses and test for it with PCR. We always got a sputum sample from kids and cultured it to check for RSV+ or - . PCR finds what they want. I will look at some of those trials and studies and see what I find. I already found that the paid for trials for RSV in adults were paid for by drug companies. NIH paid for one with Pfizer ties. It might be something they are putting in all them that causes MCG, especially if it is the same pharma company. If I find anything relevant, I will let you know.

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JT, thank you! We are crowd sourcing truth and following wherever it may lead. God Bless

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You are welcome. You and CHD are the only ones I see ever talk about the dangers of RSV shots. When they started out with the RSV in adults and shots prenatal and for infants it really drove me crazy. The things they do to people.

Just like the HIV drugs that make people undetectable. I asked a doctor I used to follow, and he said they seemed to work well. It didn't make sense, so I looked into them and the claim undetectable means uninfected. It is all a lie as well. Even the FDA says so. That is the pharma advertisement. They lie in there trials as well. You can find where people in the trials did spread HIV to others, but because they weren't part of the couples in the trial they don't get counted. They claim no HIV infection transmitted between couples during trial. They don't say U doesn't = U according to FDA. FDA shouldn't approve. Anyway, enough rambling.

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Thank you for your service.

There is so much that the covid scam is bringing to the attention of even regular folk that we are blessed with the evil people thinking they can fool all the people all the time and failing royally.

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Sadly, I think the cabal knows they can't full everybody, but can fool most. They suppress the ones that aren't fooled and here we are where the salt water meets the fresh water.

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Yes, you are probably right as well. They have had more practice and kind of know how things go. I am optimistic enough to think that if we keep the pressure on and keep exposing their lies they will make a mistake that they cannot bury properly and someone will rush out of the room leaving a smoking gun on the table one day.

I am reminded on something from the time of the inquisition or there about, it may have been a real event or just a literary device in a period fiction but I like the idea. Some public spirited citizen sent a missive to every bishop, cardinal and other church leader in Europe with text along the lines of "All is discovered. Flee at once!" and apparently dozens of said leaders ran for the hills. I think it is getting close to the time when this should be tried again one day just to see how the nerves of the politicians are holding up. :-)

Having relocated to Helsinki suburb recently, lived in South Africa until 2014, we have the Baltic that is between fresh and salty water about a mile or two from where I live so the illustration is interesting. We had a human rights lawyer and another dear tinfoil couple over for pizza last night and while we have a reasonable clue as to what is probably happening there are a LOT of people in Finland who never get information from outside the mainstream media that are blissfully unaware that there is even a fight for the survival of human freedom happening at the moment.

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Oct 13Liked by Closed VAERS

Spectacular sleuthing!

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The marshlands be where Eagles fly🦅

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Oct 13Liked by Closed VAERS

Thank you.

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Box them in, checkmate. Obfuscation not working so well for these criminals.

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