Great work! From your report it sounds like she is still hanging in there. Sending prayers.

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Nice work Albert. Can you find any trends with people who were also reported to FAERS with Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH) drugs?


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Wow, as always.

There were reports that in the UK (I think it was) that the vaccine manufacturers were getting patient level data of side effects for followup safety monitoring but the public were only allowed to see adjusted aggregate results that could in the end say anything.

All I can say is that the VAERS system would have been a great way to collect population wide trial data rather than POST MARKETING safety signals. As we know well the safety signals are being ignored and the agencies put on notice ignore that too so safety signals is no longer the purpose of VAERS and on that basis it should be shut down as a cruel joke.

What with you being a smart person I would make a suggestion that perhaps is not too hard and you can do on the side with your other analysis. I suggest you ponder if there are signs in the data that might indicate collection of covid vaccine trial results. Perhaps focus on sites where early trials were started where doctors might be following up (unofficially) trial participants beyond the unblinding/jab-the-control-group stage.

The data collected is much more valuable to the vaccine manufacturer if they are deliberately adjusting the formulas for the lots, it would let them know just how much of what stuff they should mix in to get the correct harm ratio. After all if we can believe the apparent malice afoot then their goal would be to maximise harm without causing outrage and VAERS seems like a great way to do so.

Someone did a comparison of hot lots and political party leaning in the USA. I wonder if there are cold lots to be found in specific hospitals or sites that are associated with politicians or globalist hangouts that would have been rolled out when a photo-op was required by thought leaders.

This comment was cut off on the display after this so I am editing and posting the rest in the next comment.

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Here is part two, I have not observed comments being truncated before but noticed after re-reading that it cut off in mid sentence and when I went to edit the original text was still there. Probably a SubStack bug but we live and learn.


You are doing great work and my hope is that the globalists will have made some mistake that is discovered by someone like you that cannot be covered up because it affects one of their own or evades the relentless censorship to get into the wild.

Keep backups of your data and have a secondary server offshore to maintain continuity of care.

Thank you.

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Soliris is indicated for anti-AQP4 antibody-positive NMOSD (very different from PNH). So the first case you cite, which was medically quite complicated, is rather unlikely to have anything to do with PNH.

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Soliris is indicated as a therapy, treatment, medication for PNH. There's 397 other reports in VAERS, is there anything else your expert eyes see? Honest question, why is Soliris indicated for anti-AQP4 antibody-positive NMOSD and PNH? Are you saying Soliris is not indicated for PNH? I'm just the data guy scooping all the reports together and making dashboards... thx

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18 hrs agoLiked by Closed VAERS

No - I'm saying it is indicated for several other conditions. Given the age of this individual, and the other complex medical issues described, I very much doubt this first case had PNH. It is used for other autoimmune conditions.


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Thanks for the clarification.

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