Thank you for reporting. This is ghastly. On so many levels.

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We'll see if Del brings it up on his show today. I'll let you know.

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I'd gladly apologize to Del & Aaron, but I also they are not the ones crunching the data. It's their lame IT team! Who knows, maybe their IT team is saying something, but then decisions are made at upper management? I can't believe they are NOT seeing my stuff? God Bless Twitter-X because I'm peppering Del, Aaron, ICAN on that platform. So I'm not ready to hear any excuses... there is a disconnect at the highest levels and I'm concerned.

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Del and Jefferey did say there were deaths in the data and suggested people go look for themselves. The show just ended but Rumble (or the highwire?) shadow banned me from the chat right at the end and I could not sign back in after clearing all my settings. Rumbles? done this to before and friends in the chat have confirmed it. I was dropping MFM names to follow and info on what’s in “vaccines.”

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Cool, I checked in to the live episode late. Did they bring up VSAFE at the beginning or the end?

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Bout half way thru and during the Jackson report.

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Very cool, thank you I will definitely capture some footage and add to my next VSAFE deep dive once my dashboard is updated. Gracias

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De nada.

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I’m guessing you agree with the data drop Barry Young did ?

I live in one of the hot spots, and knew this would happen, doing my own research has 💯 confirmed my suspicions.

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I kind of hid the explanation of this NZ "hypothetical" dashboard here:


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Thanks Albert much appreciate you sending that, yes we do have a very big problem, a lot being hidden, would love to share some of my observations with you.

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Sure. welcometheeagle88@protonmail.com

send me a email, give me a few details about what you have, or where you want to go.... We could schedule a zoom and chat... thanks

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Oh yes. I have a semi-secret dashboard you'll be hearing about now that Liz and Barry what it is...:


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When you add all those sinful jab deaths to the Johns Hopkins [250,000 deaths a year] iatrogenic study or Dr. Null's book, Death by Medicine [800,000 deaths a year] It gives credence [Romans 6:23] I.e. "Death is the wages of sin but the gift of God is everlasting life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Can you tell or see the difference, i.e. between life & death?

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Did you see the latest disclaimer CDC put up on their website to what seems a cover up on their website when interpreting VAERS? They think we are stupid.


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Yes! God Bless Karen Kingston for keeping us informed.

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John T, thanks for posting this.

The quote is:

"Millions of vaccines are given each year to children less than 1 year old in the United States, usually between 2 and 6 months of age. SOME INFANTS WILL EXPERIENCE high fevers, seizures, and sudden infant DEATH syndrome (SIDS) SHORTLY AFTER A VACCINATION BY COINCIDENCE.” - The CDC

My reply to that CDC quote: But funny how it is that, "by coincidence," it's overwhelmingly directly AFTER the vaccines, not before.

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Nice they are tying SIDS in with vaccines as well. Informed already knew it and they knew we knew it. Lol It's a disclaimer now though.

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All those baby deaths and quite a few pancreatic cancers, as well as clots, strokes and heart related deaths.

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