VSAFE 9th Installment Just Released By ICAN. Now 160K Skin Issues, But What About The 558 New Deaths?
After 9 updates ICAN still hasn't said anything about the 2,000+ DEATHS now recorded in VSAFE!!!
Just so we are clear CDC has always been behind and we are on the 9th installment that should have been published back in October 2024. I’ve been keeping track from ICAN’s original published schedule here:
The quick math on the schedule shows VSAFE will produce a total of 7,800,000 records of free text narratives. They have now produced 5,460,000 and they have 2,340,000 (30%) records to go.
I’ll get much deeper into VSAFE once I get this new tranche uploaded into my dashboard. However, this time I want to look a gift horse in the mouth and call bullshit on ICAN for never once in these 9 separate updates have they ever mentioned anything about the deaths, stillbirths, fetal demise or even miscarriages and other severe reactions that are coming in? In the my last update I showed we’re up to about 1,800 DEATHS in VSAFE, and on this installment there is about or at least ~558 unique registrants dead. The 558 people recorded the death on 587 summary entries. You can actually see a little frustration in the narratives where the spouse or family member is saying “stop” sending me messages, as the whole VSAFE process does take fourteen (14) check-ins. I guess it wasn’t well thought out to have a function in place that if a death was recorded all future check-ins should cease?
Anyhow, let’s not guild the lily, these are the “new” death narratives that came in on this 9th installment.:
As you can see there is ambiguity and judgement calls needed to made, but there a many more that I let go by as well. I don’t care what anybody says, this VSAFE system is not better than VAERS, for the simple fact there are no event levels to mark off like death, life threatening, hospitalization, etc…
558 unique registrants feels like the most free text narratives that have come in one installment? The next three installments should be super enlightening, will the death narratives roll in exponentially? Who knows but this would have been a great time for ICAN to finally say something about the all these deaths.
I know it’s not a lot of deaths for the amount of data that has come in so far, but come one folks who must remember that for these most part this is a whole separate set of victims than ones in VAERS!
There is a huge short cut I’m doing which is starting to reveal itself in the metadata. People should start to wonder on which of these 14 check-ins did the registrant finally get recorded as a death? As the data is starting to come into focus, I think we will start to see the victims progression through the process? It’s clear that very few people actually completed 14 check-ins that would have taken a full year. However, to be fair the 13th check-in was at 6 months with the 14th and final check-in at the year mark. Still not very many people even made it to the 13th check-in and it begs the question, how the heck did these people have the where with all to keep their mobile phone service on for even 6 to 9 months after death if they died within a few months of the their last jab? And how do boosters factor in to this whole process? I have to believe not everybody started their VSAFE program after the 1st jab… I’m starting to have more questions than answers with this jenky system. Uggh and God Bless
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ICAN’s article:
Updated 01/09/2025 11:50am PST:
Thank you for reporting. This is ghastly. On so many levels.
We'll see if Del brings it up on his show today. I'll let you know.