Jun 12Liked by WelcomeTheEagle88

Hey Albert, thank you for all the good (and devastating) work you do. It is incredibly hard to read about the children.

I've been wanting to ask you about the peggy hall videos on ICAN's Vaccine Confidence Bill -


It sounds absolutely diabolical anyway you look at it. I know you and I are on the same page.......but am not sure we're on the same page as the "big guys". Maybe I'm missing something?!?



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I watched the 2nd Hall video you sent, thanks for the heads up. I commented somewhere that this vaccine confidence bill was like a gut punch. I hate it, I don't like it. I don't like the word salad "vaccine confidence" coming from ICAN, Del, or Siri. I would write to them myself if I thought it would make a difference. With that I'll say check out https://gregwyatt.net/ and use your own discernment. I'll never say to someone don't listen, hear or watch this person and don't listen to that person. Watch everything, read the devil's bible, learn as much as you can and use your own God given discernment. There is an interesting Del video in there about an example very stupid example Del uses where he talks about donations and he says something like "why wouldn't I take $5M from big pharma to fight against them?" It's a crazy statement but that's basically what he said. I wouldn't be surprised if ICAN is getting some nice "donor" for coming up with this vaxx confidence bill. I think it's bullshit, but I'm antivaxx. I'd throw everything into the abyss with no guarantee or talk about bringing anything back. That discussion could happen after the board is wiped clean, maybe. Just like cancer when it's cut out so are some of the margins, otherwise the cancer has a good chance of coming back. These word smiths we are talking about now seem to want to operate in the margins and are trying to please everybody. It's bullshit really it's ANTIVAXvsPROVAXvsPROVAX, except not this vax.... From my view I see this as me the antivaxxer versus two types of shit head provaxxers. God Bless

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Thanks for your reply Eagle! It was like water or air in this time of dehydration and suffocation by the world wide heavy blanket of lies.

I remember an interview where Del talked about his childhood, NOT ever being vaccinated - how his mom didn't believe in vaccines.

Diabolical, Del.

Thanks for the link, I'll check it out.

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Jun 12Liked by WelcomeTheEagle88

Ok, Mind Blown by Greg Wyatt.

The Brandy thing..... all of a sudden, I'm in the deep end of the pool and it feels truer than the shallow end.

How I grieved for that woman!

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I believe Brandy was murdered, I saw a lot of her posts and videos after the fact and she was being stalked, etc. in my opinion. Wyatt has been in the antivaxx game for longer than most and can speak in first person on many things. I don't subscribe to all his kool-aid but I guess the point is that everything must be taken into consideration so we can use our own God given discernment. The one thing I like about this spiritual battle is that all will be seen and revealed. No masks, no hiding, no proxies, nothing. Truth will defend itself and we will eventually get to know who has it and who doesn't. Amen. God Bless

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For many years now Brandy Vaughan has reminded me of a dear friend I worked with for 15 years in the highly politici$ed and MONETI$ED environmental BUSINESS. I was there, almost completely volunteer - she lobbied in DC and got lots of press. Same age, same speaking style, same physical looks as Brandy. They could have been sisters. Anyway, one day, she got real upset about me backing out of big funder money because I'd realized that was the major part of the game. And I thought it was about clean water and saving 500 year old trees! She screamed at me, " Do you want me to tell you what you want to hear, or do you want me to tell you the truth?"

Yes, Jehovah God reveals. And Time and Truth Go Hand in Hand. (I think. Maybe.)

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Jun 11·edited Jun 11Liked by WelcomeTheEagle88

So we must FIRST realize that BEFORE they started fraudulently classifying recently vaccinate people (who showed up at the ER with deadly injuries) "unvaccinated" VAERS was already PROVEN to report "less than1%" of the ACTUAL injuries and deaths that occurred shortly after vaccination. And they've NEVER had any system even pretending to track long-term effects/deaths.

Remember the Harvard-Pilgrim study showing the "less than 1%"?? SEE it HERE: https://ijvtpr.com/index.php/IJVTPR/article/view/40

It's got to be less than 0.001% that are ever reported by VAERS at this stage.

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I agree, in addition to a X factor of all the legitimate reports that have been received but never published. Harvard Pilgrim never eluded to that, just assumed as biblical truth every legit report received was published....

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Yep. If they don't feel like reporting a report (or ten million of them;-) they just don't.

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No truer words spoken! Since they don't automatically return to submitter a finalized ID#, unless formally requested, VAERS knows which reports have eyeballs on them and which don't. Since 99% don't know this detail, there you go...

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Tricksy Tricksy. Always fraud games to cover their crimes against humanity. And the coverup proves MENS REA.

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You're going to get the credit you deserve. I know you aren't doing this for credit but me, my wife and my friend who owns a production company will make sure you're included in telling the story of how this conspiracy for profit and control was taken down. Godbless my friend. Keep pounding!

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Keep it up brother!

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Good work!

I hope all researchers and presenters of VAERS detailed VAERS analyses are aware that their work is compromised by throttled and erroneous data.- with backdate "events" every month.

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Maybe someday we can construct a text processing neural net that can (perhaps) automatically process 80% of these fake unknown age coverups. Simply counting the number of coverups detected (throughout history) would be interesting.

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