Well you know it now. Ride like the wind and inform everybody! I'm trying to make my website a one stop shop to authenticate all the VAERS and CDC data and making my dashboards courtroom ready... God Bless
Yes Peter I'm close to vaersanalysis.info and we connected very early on. Behind the scenes we are very familiar with each other. I've been deep in VAERS and ALL the players. Feel free to skim my list of ~500 VAERS video on Bitchute. https://www.bitchute.com/welcometheeagle88/
Thanks for this. Perhaps you could plot Deaths per 1,000 reports for each brand of jab over time from the data you have? Pfizer ratio of Serious to Non-serious is as I expected.
Why would a silly backwards system like VAERS capture even a decent percentage of injuries and deaths from ANY drug product? It was designed with big pharma in mind such that it would never give anywhere near an accurate assessment of vaccine damage. That would bring into question the safety and efficacy of vaccines produced by big pharma and that is a gigantic NO-NO.
The majority of the medical community didn't even know what VAERS was until a few years ago and I reckon many still don't. There was never any force behind gathering complaints of injuries over the last 30 years of VAERS existence. The process of entering information is highly suspect and once you start, you cannot save inputted data and come back later. It sounds like an exercise in frustration to me.
There is no one specifically responsible for making these reports...no checks and balances to discover if reports that need to be made are entering the system. And there is no overseeing of collected reports as the CDC could easily leave out reports, erase reports or otherwise manipulate the data.
There is NO way there is going to be a system to collect the required data that shows exactly what is going on with these injections. We get bit and pieces from here and there and it all adds up to fraud, deceit, lies and mass omissions and manipulation. Those on the back end of this medical terrorism against the planet have no intention of letting the truth seep out.
Good stuff as usual!
Wish I had known about the CDC vaxx tracker months ago!
Well you know it now. Ride like the wind and inform everybody! I'm trying to make my website a one stop shop to authenticate all the VAERS and CDC data and making my dashboards courtroom ready... God Bless
Cross-posting what I see.
Your talent and work needs to get out there.
I wonder if Jessica Rose and the VAERSAnalysis team and openvaers are aware of what work you have done or read your posts.
Not much in the way of contact data or phone numbers!
Yes Peter I'm close to vaersanalysis.info and we connected very early on. Behind the scenes we are very familiar with each other. I've been deep in VAERS and ALL the players. Feel free to skim my list of ~500 VAERS video on Bitchute. https://www.bitchute.com/welcometheeagle88/
Thanks for this. Perhaps you could plot Deaths per 1,000 reports for each brand of jab over time from the data you have? Pfizer ratio of Serious to Non-serious is as I expected.
Why would a silly backwards system like VAERS capture even a decent percentage of injuries and deaths from ANY drug product? It was designed with big pharma in mind such that it would never give anywhere near an accurate assessment of vaccine damage. That would bring into question the safety and efficacy of vaccines produced by big pharma and that is a gigantic NO-NO.
The majority of the medical community didn't even know what VAERS was until a few years ago and I reckon many still don't. There was never any force behind gathering complaints of injuries over the last 30 years of VAERS existence. The process of entering information is highly suspect and once you start, you cannot save inputted data and come back later. It sounds like an exercise in frustration to me.
There is no one specifically responsible for making these reports...no checks and balances to discover if reports that need to be made are entering the system. And there is no overseeing of collected reports as the CDC could easily leave out reports, erase reports or otherwise manipulate the data.
There is NO way there is going to be a system to collect the required data that shows exactly what is going on with these injections. We get bit and pieces from here and there and it all adds up to fraud, deceit, lies and mass omissions and manipulation. Those on the back end of this medical terrorism against the planet have no intention of letting the truth seep out.