VAERS Contractor GDIT & Shimabukuro do not add up?
New FOIA'd Reports from VAERS Contractor General Dynamics & Shimabukuro's ACIP March 2021 slide deck looks suspicious...
This part II and a follow-up to General Dynamics (GDIT) and the assertion that “backlog” reports in inventory is caught up? My initial offering and pretty much my very first Substack might have been serendipitous or might be something else?
Del Bigtree and the gang over at the Highwire gave Josh Guetzkow a shout on the this very same topic last Thursday March 30th. Jefferey Jaxson even said he feels like this story could be the biggest story of 2023? Why would he say that and what does he know that we don’t? Well he probably knows a lot more than you but he doesn’t know as much as me or Josh and a handful of the other sleuths very comfortable working under anonymity, but just as important and valuable to the cause. Ok, let’s add another piece to the puzzle. Did I mention VAERS does not publish all legitimate reports received? I’ll probably say it a thousand times in 10,000 Substacks before I’m proven correct.
I added a new page to my website dedicated to GDIT HERE which is like a Substack of it’s own, that I will utilize to backup my observations. This next piece of the puzzle is Tom Shimabukuro’s March 1, 2021 ACIP slide deck and specifically page 11. Shimabukuro and GDIT were both very specific about incoming reports so I wanted to cross reference and get a handle on inventory and “backlog”. Apples to apples here is the side by side and what was published by Feb 19th, 2021:
From GDIT’s Jan, Feb, and March monthly status reports it was reported about 137,613 adverse event reports had been submitted to VAERS by Feb 16. I divided the total for Feb. evenly by 28 days then multiplied by 16, hence ~42.5K reports for the first sixteen days of Feb. Looks like “pre-processed” is a designation for reports that have been classified but not necessarily published? Shimabukuro’s slide deck in it’s entirety leads me to believe 104,763 were supposedly all the reports submitted to VAERS at that point and not just the reports “in-process” and neither excluding the finalized and/or published? To put a finer point in, maybe there was a pile of reports that came in the day before and are in the “mailroom” so new that they haven’t reached the level of pre-process? Maybe that’s the ~32K report variance between what GDIT and Shimabukuro reported? Another notable observation is the ratio of SAE’s Tom reported versus the ratio currently in the system. Tom’s ratio is 5.8% (6,081/104,763) to what was actually published at the time (2,922/14,997)= 19.5%. A full disclaimer, VAERS also deleted 100 reports by Feb 19, 2021. See here.
So how long did it take for published reports to catch-up to Shimabukuro’s and GDIT’s processed inventory and what were those SAE’s ratios? Well…
As you can see it took to Apr 30, 2021 and the following drop was ~37,140 domestic C19 reports published and would put the published reports over 150K. That’s a solid two months after Tom’s ACIP slide deck and right in the middle of the jab frenzy hysteria, or at least per CDC's VaxTracker. Also notice the SAEs of 10.6% (12,198/114,180) is still much higher than what Shimabukuro quoted! ~3,300 deaths to whatever percentage of population took a jab is probably more representative of what’s going on as it’s clear in my opinion there is a huge throttle job going on, and reports are also getting flushed down the toilet inside the CDC somewhere. And after all this then we can talk about the URF. This is a complete con job. The data doesn’t lie but statisticians do! I love the video of RFKjr I made speaking to our church on June 19, 2021 where he says to had pow-wow with a group of VAERS reps the week before and they said they calculated 150K reports had “disappeared”!!!!!!!! It’s right HERE.
Update Apr 4th:
I’ve added the video version with a couple more nuggets HERE.
This General Dynamics exercise has inspired me scrape down every PUBLISHED DATE for every VAERS ID# published to created of spreadsheet for sleuths to massage the published date into their SQL or R studios and begin to properly analyze the throttling! Now available down below for paid subscribers. God Bless and thanks in advance for helping out The Eagle.
Good stuff as usual!
Wish I had known about the CDC vaxx tracker months ago!
Thanks for this. Perhaps you could plot Deaths per 1,000 reports for each brand of jab over time from the data you have? Pfizer ratio of Serious to Non-serious is as I expected.