The Czech vs The Denmark Study - There Were More Common Lots than just the Blue, Green, Yellow...
13 more lot numbers in fact, outside the blue, green, yellow lots as per VAERS...
Previous Czech Article: HERE
Previous Denmark Study Article: HERE
Ok so remember here is the money shots from The Denmark Study:
In the minutiae of this Denmark Study, I’ve been seeing very serious Adverse Events coming into VAERS either from Denmark and the “harmless” yellow dot lots or serious events and even Death against the yellow dot lots, but ascribed to Unknown foreign countries. These foreign countries are now “unknown” because the European Union (EduraVigilance) and MHRA (YellowCard) systems put in a request to VAERS not to show the country or origin and many of the free text fields like summary narrative, concomitant medications, labs, previous vaxx, etc… We at least know that 99.99% of these “stripped” foreign reports are from EMA & MHRA countries.
Somewhere along the line the Czech folks got some help from the Denmark authors and came up with their own study and made a association of 9 lot# that were rolled out in Denmark and the Czech Republic. I’m showing there was 10 communal lots shared by Czech/Denmark. Anyone with intermediate skills can go into or and query these lots to authenticate my assertion, but here they are and these totals are for the Czech VAERS reports only:
I haven’t isolated the extra lot number in question, but it’s not all that notable unless it was a severe event. My guess it because of the throttling (purposeful delay in submitting/publishing) the lot# probably wasn’t on the Czech radar yet? Maybe it’s one towards the bottom of this list?
No worries, what super interesting and maybe because of my OCD and being a good auditor, I wanted to double check and make sure there weren’t other common lot numbers that were shared and rolled out in both countries? Drum roll please!
I’ve added a filter in my Czech Data Dashboard to visualize the other communal lot numbers shared by both countries, but outside the list of the blue, green, and yellow dot lots. Here it is:
On the VAERS side you will see 68 Czech VAERS reports and lot numbers that are communal with Denmark, but are NOT in the blue, green, yellow list.
Ooooh! I see a 1 Death report for the Czechs that shares a lot number with Denmark! Can I get a another drum roll please…, here’s my money shot:
I can see it now, The Denmark and Czech team might give some curly shuffle dance and say this is Moderna and they weren’t focused on Moderna and or didn’t double check VAERS?
No worries, let’s you and example of a Pfizer even though it’s not a death it’s still a severe event:
There you have it folks, Pfizer Lot number FN4072 was shared by both countries and on their radar and in VAERS before cut off dates and publication of the Denmark study?
Look friends, I don’t want to discredit the authors of these studies in any way. These studies are inadvertently powerful because it highlights the throttling, malfeasance, and willful misconduct of the manufacturers and the administrators of these pharmacovigilance systems collectively. The pharma cabal has this scam globally coordinated and orchestrated. In honor of Steve Kirsch’s eyeball, I keep chipping away at the glass ankles of the cabal, and this fabulous Czech data! It wouldn’t be possible without the authors of the studies, Steve Kirsch, and some crazy Mexican with a rambunctious spirit who loves Jesus and brings the receipts! God Bless.
FYI: I didn’t even go deep in the weeds and show the now Unknown Foreign Countries that also share communal lots with Denmark/Czechia. There has to be some probability some of the unknown foreign reports actually came from either of these two countries, but you get the point.
Thank you. I have two questions for your awesomeness. I long for Congress to work towards some prosecutions before November. What do you think of the safety signals in the VAERS data that was publicly by January 31, 2021? Are there any significant differences because of throttling to the data now available of events that occurred before January 31, 2021?
Thank you for your eagle eye and hard work, WTE. APPLAUSE!!