Albert is your https://www.vaersaware.com/schmeling-denmark-lot-study dashboard the reports that come into US VAERS?

You have no explanation on the page.

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Yes for the most part it is. All reports published prior to Nov 2022 indicated the country of origin. After Nov 2022 Eudravigilance reports have been scrubbed of critical detail including country or origin. You can see the the so called "placebo" lots coming in now that are very severe including death, but not what country they are coming from. The dashboard you referred to I made July 5th 2023 and exclusively just the reports coming into VAERS and just from Denmark only...

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Great analysis Albert. If I had been invited as a referee, I would have requested the journal to only allow publication of graphs with number of injured jabees per million doses actually given to be plotted. Plus of course the data spreadsheet.

Note "The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be made available by the authors on request."

"Since data on the number of doses administered per individual batch during the latter part of the examined period were not made available to us by the SSI despite repeated requests, we limited the current direct comparison with data from Sweden to the 52 batches (including batches that were shared between the two countries) used in the period from 27 December 2020 to 11 January 2022, for which we previously found a < 0.15% difference between numbers of shipped and administered doses in Denmark " makes the Manniche et al analysis useless in 2024.

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