There is a sense of circling the drain. It is frankly awful continually endeavouring to provide depressing analysis of that which was predicted, understood, and finally recognised by so many, and which now persists as institutionalised misinformation, aka. 'bafflement', to those that have intentionally abandoned both ethics and the simple logical step, 'until proved otherwise'. What seems certain is that there will never be a recanting. In the end, the perpetrators and instigators will need to be physically removed from their desks, clinics, offices and places of work.

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Jun 13Liked by WelcomeTheEagle88

These missing ages are willful misconduct. Especially if they weee submitted and then removed by the company that “processes” VAERS reports. I’m afraid it would take litigation to determine the story. Perhaps numerous examples could be brought forward in one lawsuit and analyzed to determine who committed the willful misconduct and break the PREP ACT shielding for those entities.

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Jun 13Liked by WelcomeTheEagle88

Hard to ‘like’ this, but so important. Thank you for staying on this.

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Jun 13Liked by WelcomeTheEagle88

I'm sorry to say most liberals I know would have two responses to this:

-it wasn't the vaxx that killed them, it was C0VID or something else

-RFKjr/ Children's Health Defense is not reputable

I can't get through to people. The brainwashing is just too strong. :(

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Exactly! And doctors I know also say “anyone can file a report”😳😳😳😳

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Jun 13Liked by WelcomeTheEagle88

The unanswered question remains---why when they were not at risk were they given vaccines at all? A question our CMO and Health Minister refuse to answer.

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Jun 17Liked by WelcomeTheEagle88

100% AGREE!!!

Recently posted elsewhere:


These FOIP Covid-19 adverse effects stats are a fraud - ridiculously low compared to reality.

My calculation based on Excess Deaths above the recent historic baseline is ~15,000 Deaths caused by the toxic Covid-19 "vaccines" since 1Jan2021 in Alberta. Proportionally that would equal ~16,000 Deaths caused by the toxic Covid-19 "vaccines" since 1Jan2021 in BC. This carnage caused by the toxic "vaccines" is far from over.

Almost everyone who was injected with these toxic Covid-19 "vaccines" has some degree of vax-injury. There was a high degree of variability in the toxicity of these Covid-19 injections, so some of the vaxed will be almost un-injured whereas others have died within hours or days of receiving the shots.

Every vaxed person's immune system has been harmed, making them susceptible to all forms of illness, including the new rapid "turbo-cancers" Zero to Stage 4 in weeks, not the usual ~decade.

I warned everyone on 21Mar2020 that the Covid-19 Lockdowns were unjustified, and wrote all Alberta MLA's and others on 8Jan2021 to NOT deploy the high-risk/low-reward injections. Nobody listened.

The death toll of those killed by the toxic Covid-19 "vaccines" in the Western countries now totals ~20 million, increasing by ~6 million per year, and we can probably double that to include India, China and Russia.

Canada and the USA have lost more citizens to the toxic Covid-19 "vaccines" than to ALL our wars, back to the 1500's and the original settlement of our countries.

A team of analysts led by Denis Rancourt 100% independently calculated an identical global death toll to mine - 13 million Covid-19 vax-caused deaths to end 2022. We both used Total Death stats - hard for the authorities to fake. Rancourt used Israel and Australia as his data sample; I used Alberta; same result!

These are reliable, independently-verified estimates, based on highly credible data.


Covid & Climate Chronicles – The Big Cull

by Allan Malcolm MacRae, Amazon

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Jun 14Liked by WelcomeTheEagle88

Albert you are getting way too many papers published. What will that do to your career??!

No link to the paper? I wanted to see what the child-death-undereporting ratio is.

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LOL. I'll put the papers on this page:


The authors let me tag along, I vet the data and enlighten how and where the other hidden reports are.... I then use my dashboards to compile some stats for the papers. Dr. Thorp's next paper is going to blow peoples socks off, because it takes into consideration and measures what the clearer stats look like, in this case for the fertility and fetal demise stuff.

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Jun 14Liked by WelcomeTheEagle88

Funny story. I had a similar role in a paper by Mark Skidmore. I hoovered up the data, did the first pass analysis, and he wrote the thing up. It was about how the US Federal Workers basically funded the US government during "debt limit" events with their savings accounts, but they didn't know this was going on - it wasn't disclosed to them at all. But if the US government ever defaulted, those Federal workers would be the first ones thrown under the bus. After our paper came out, the debt limit events - which were pretty routine before - just stopped happening.

Bottom line is - if your paper reveals a scam, and it gets enough press, change can actually take place. Wouldn't that be cool?

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Jun 13Liked by WelcomeTheEagle88


We Didn’t Need To Find The Cure For Cancer.

We Found The Cause.


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This one killed me. 💔 People HAVE to click the link and read the reports… These are people’s babies. 😭 Heads must roll. 🤬🤬🤬

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I hear you… I wonder how long my share to FB will stay up… 😩🤬🙏

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