It was established back in 2010 that less than 1% of all ACTUAL (documented) vaccine injuries are ever reported to VAERS. And since then, VAERS has done thing but implement systems and strategies that would further reduce the % of actual vaccine injuries that would end up being reported. SEE: https://digital.ahrq.gov/ahrq-funded-projects/electronic-support-public-health-vaccine-adverse-event-reporting-system

Even before you begin to cite how many are deleted (of the "less than 1% that are ever reported to VAERS in the first place) one must first begin by multiplying/calibrating the published VAERS numbers by at least 100 times before you're even in the neighborhood of anything close to the truth.

The 2010 study of the VAERS system proved that vaccine injuries are "common" and that "less than 1% of vaccine injuries" are ever reported to VAERS in the 1st place. VAERS exists to launder the dead bodies so that the money made off of them doesn't need to be laundered. Although it is admitted that VAERS is only supposed to serve as a sort of "sample" to provide safety "signals" our "scientists" represent the VAERS numbers as a TOTAL for injuries in order to prop up their "rare" slogan, which is then used to prop up their "safe" slogan.

They have no valid "science" (or numbers) to support their marketing slogans. The evidence proves that vaccine injuries (including deaths) have always been extremely COMMON, not "rare". Even an Oxford study was forced to admit that close to 80% of the deaths occurring after vaccination are within the first 24 hours of being jabbed.

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I suspect that the throttling efforts are widespread, but with the primary focus on number of deaths. That's why the method I've used to estimate underreporting focuses on deaths. While the numbers of specific diseases can be argued because of assignment problems, that is not the case with deaths. Someone could classify myocarditis as pericarditis, but that misclassification would not occur with deaths. You either die or you don't!

My method takes the ratio of 1) deaths expected to 2) the fraction of VAERS deaths that fall into the expected category, then multiplies the non-expected segment of VAERS deaths by that ratio. The more throttling by the criminals who "manage" VAERS, the higher the ratio. With my method, they don't escape. The detailed methodology can be found here (https://www.trialsitenews.com/a/underreporting-factors-for-vaers-are-vastly-underreported-e3a21062).

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Great work as always Alberto, thanks!

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You are such a lovely guy, really love the positivity. We'll have to touch base on maybe a zoom or something! I've got more posts to follow on the MHRA with some more revelations. Keep up the truly amazing work!

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Regarding the stated "only around 1% of vaccine related injuries are reported" on the likes of the VAERS,

or MHRA's Yellow Card reporting mechanisms, they have now recently attempted to vastly dilute the assumption of the given entries having any established credibility by stating (to paraphrase) something in the nature of- "NONE of the listed adverse events are/can be definitively demonstrated as having been attributed to the vaccine" (or something close to this

in phrasing). What? NONE of them? DESPITE the million hoops and attendant rigmarole needed even to GET an established case ONTO the damn thing?? (which necessitates the lockstep uniformity of the considered judgements of EVERY clinician, physician, doctor, etc, who had dealt with the dead/injured

party, ALL of whom HAVE to have been of universal accord on the matter!). Yet MORE dirty tricks, evasive semantics/"smooth" language, along with the "there briefly, then GONE" reports, potentially deliberate "errors" in/of classification/categorisation, & the huge backlog, and intentional delays & the "throttling" OF the course of the flow in processing the

reports, & so on, & so forth. Taking all of ☝️THOSE disgraceful tactics into account, there's a FAR greater likelihood that not only are the listed reports accurately and correctly defined as "vaccine related", but there is a whole vast universe of authentic reports that have not been processed and & entered, & many that, although reported, likely never WILL. What snake oil salesmen & carnival hucksters we have to contend with,

and what supreme corruption and cowardly contempt for us they demonstrate in their sneering arrogance and assumption that people are too stupid to ever make such well researched, revelatory expositions as the likes of Eagle's nest, Mr.Fenton, Mr.Feldman, Steve Kirsch, Lily, & others have made! Kudos! And hats off to ☝️those individuals and ALL others who've done the hard work & data-crunching that would have intimidated or otherwise been out with the capacity of "simpler souls"

like myself. Well done 👍 to EVERYBODY who has so ably and capably exposed what IS happening with these reporting mechanisms and sites! YOU conscience driven warriors for TRUTH are amongst the BEST Humanity has to offer!

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