Jun 10Liked by WelcomeTheEagle88

Love your work and Craig Paardekooper emailed me way back when he first started talking about the bad batches. That was maybe December 2021. I got permanently locked out of my email and am just realizing maybe it was related to the threat he received 😳. Or maybe not. But, he explained that my 2 pfizzies, both were on the bad list and the 2nd gave me a violent reaction, were likely 5000x the dose…

Being a nurse (and no clue about the depop plan) I went against my intuition and took the bloody experimental gene therapy because I wanted to keep my job. I survived but not feeling good since January 2021, that’s the last vaccine I will ever take and I’m pissed. Tried to warn people but they didn’t listen. Still not listening!

Please take a look at Sabrina Wallace videos. The depop plan and transhumanism is happening under our noses. It’s not just vaccines we need to avoid.

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I totally agree. Since I'm a good conspiracy theorist I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't spike past seasonal flu vaxxes to act as a binary bio-weapon when mixed with this new C19 jab. It's as valid an argument as anybody else's theories.

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Sorry to hear you're not well. Are you using any detoxing products? Many in my family have also been unwell since they took the shots, even 3 years later. Re. Sabrina Wallace, she's probably spot on, but not easy to understand for everyone. John Lukach says the same thing in a more articulate way in this 6-part series on what he calls the "Bio-API". Part one here for anyone interested: https://estateartistry.com/blog/exposing-the-bio-api-part-one

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Her videos were very difficult in the beginning but her style is changing for the better and I’m catching on faster now that she shows the websites of universities, corporations, military and medical that are using this tech. Researching these websites is easier when you learn the lingo. It’s not hidden info and is a HUGE business that employ so many. Compartmentalization prevents dot connnection, just like NASA does.

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GREAT POST! Thank you!!! Love your stuff. Oh, and thanks for the restacks!

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Hi there - Just watched C. Paardekooper's presentation on Kovess show. I didn't realize there were statistics on recovery time. Does that mean the time it takes to recover from flu? Also, Craig said he wasn't sure why people were particularly sick in 1991-2. I looked up 1991-2 + flu and found that in US there were "reported outbreaks of culture-confirmed influenza A(H3N2)" https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/00015636.htm I mentioned it in comments section (not that anyone reads the comments there). I'm glad Craig is advertising your work on his site. All statisticians should do the same. What about Jean Beaudouin? I didn't hear him ask any question. He was working away there and paying no attention to the presentation. I would have thought he'd be interested. Great idea to send it on to Italians. There's a very well known French statistician who would definitely be interested as well - https://www.youtube.com/c/D%C3%A9coderl%C3%A9co ~75,000 subscribers & several pubs under his belt. I'd do it myself but I'm blocked from commenting on YT. Finally, a suggestion before you send it on to anyone: it needs to be cleaned up. A good 10 mins at beginning (where there were technical issues) needs to chopped and 20 mins or so towards the end when it blanks out. Kovess should clean it up and repost. These comments are meant to be constructive and obviously not directed at you.

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