Do you mind if I can send this off to someone who has updated tools? I do have a lawyer's case notes on Children who did not die of COVID-19 but were listed as dying of COVID-19. I haven't written about it yet. Between the "Three Monkeys Addendum signatories and VAERS. There is a lot of Monkey business going on.

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Wow, just wow Albert. I saw the CHD article first, was really glad to see your name in reference.

Though it's so fracking weird to write "really glad" in a comment having to do with MURDER OF BABIES.

Just got through reading Jeremiah and Lamentations, where he refers to women eating their babies, it got so bad.

Until the last four years, I thought a great deal of the Bible had to be figurative - not literal.

But here we are.

I did NOT envy Jeremiah, and I don't envy the work you've had to do constantly....but I sure do appreciate it.

Thank you Eagle.

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Gracias! Baletti is going to do a follow-up CHD article, she was also floored. My next Magnum Opus is this EudraVigilance dashboard. It's going to be huge! Those rats over at EMA are dirtier than the VAERS management team. There are thousands of uncounted deaths in their database. I just published my new EudraV dashboard and it's live but with only 628,000 reports in it so far. In phase 1 I need to start out with a few reports and build out the dashboard before I upload millions of reports. But is almost midnight and I've been working on it since 7am to get me to here. I want to do a stack on it now, but I also want to start pumping reports into my dashboard. Ugh I'm beat, but I'm going keep plugging away for a couple more hours. https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/alberto.benavidez/viz/EudraVigilance/Home

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Bravo, Welcome the Eagle, your work is so valuable.

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If they will lie to us about one thing, they will lie to us about anything. All trust in the medical complex is gone. Putting ones trust in God, faith in Christ Jesus and the Gospel message, sets us free from all the madness of the world. God's Word is a lamp unto our feet, a light unto our path, be in it.

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