There weren't any doses with the batch ID FM5519, but there were about 200,000 doses with the ID FN5519 or fn5519. However out of 68 Pfizer batches that had at least 10,000 doses given, I got the 8th highest excess mortality for FN5519: sars2.net/czech.html#Statistics_by_batch. (Since Kirsch already mentioned his GitHub repository in his Rumble video, I guess it's OK for me to now link to my analysis as well.)

The Czech data has a bunch of batch IDs that have one or more spaces at the end, but there's no IDs with spaces in the middle:

rec=data.table::fread("curl -Ls github.com/skirsch/Czech/raw/main/data/CR_records.csv.xz |xz -dc")

rec[,.(batch=unlist(.SD,,F)),.SDcols=patterns("Sarze_")][,.N,batch][order(-N)][grep(" ",batch)][,batch:=gsub(" ","@",batch)][,]|>print(nrow=Inf)

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They will still try to sweep it under the carpet.

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Eagle eyes you have, WTE!

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