I strongly suspect that the biggest problem in UK EU is an even larger under reporting factor than has been estimated. Around 1/3 rd of staff in hopsital who got the first shot missed work the following day.

I doubt a single one ( around 40 people) would have reported it to yellow card system.

There's no incentive to report it and it takes time that staff don't have.

People are still dying suddenly but no investigations being done.

Those who literally shot people may be more inclined not to flag up the hazards.

Well done and thank you again to the Eagle !

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I missed 5 days with 105 fever and violent chills, stabbing headache that traveled from head, both eyes and heart. I had secrete diarrhea, nausea and I reported it to VAERS as soon as I was able. I was pissed!!! Report took 3 tries because the timer would delete everything if you weren’t quick enough. I later got kicked out of my email so I no longer have my VAERS report receipt.

I got 2 Pfizer’s, against my will, and against my better judgment back in December 2020, and the one that fucked me up was January 2021. I’ve never taken another jab again and so far I’ve lent nursing job despite being very vocal about the bioweapon(s) I’ve since learned that all vaccines are dangerous and everyone that takes them will have a negative outcome even if you don’t notice it.

I’ve never injected anyone with the c19 shot and I’ve stopped administering all vaccines and try my best to give informed consent…amazing how people bow down to the white coats. As for me, nope, never again.

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The white coat blindness is the biggest hurdle for me with my otherwise open minded authority skeptic friends.. to me pharma trained Rx faithful say run too!

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Read to the end; excellent job, Albert!

I think a good idea would be to see a dashboard comparing VAERS and EudraV on deaths, hospitalizations, injuries, and other metrics per NNN shots or vice versa.

If the proportions are relatively close, that gives more legitimacy to the VAERS data.

Also, pay special attention to REM-DEAD-SEVERE linked to acute renal failure - ICD-10 code N17.9. It's huge.

Thx, Jeff

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It's all fraud, all the time. Their only purpose is to give the appearance of "surveillance" while reporting nothing but lies. When people believe the deaths are being "surveilled" they think everything is fine. So even though everyone KNOWS the jabs maim and kill, they sell the idea it's "rare."

However, Mr. Vaccine is busy injecting people every day, all day, and he's only being watched "less than 1%" of that time. SEE this Harvard study that's never been refuted, and which demonstrates VAERS reports "less than 1%" of the ACTUAL injuries and deaths that occur shortly after injection: https://digital.ahrq.gov/ahrq-funded-projects/electronic-support-public-health-vaccine-adverse-event-reporting-system

And after this study was completed, reporting rates from VAERS only got much WORSE. Whatever numbers VAERS reports must first be multiplied by at least 100 before we can begin to get anywhere NEAR the truth. But this first calibration/correction is just the start because we don't know exactly how much LESS than "less than 1%" are ever reported. The only thing that's truly "rare" is for VAERS to report it when someone is maimed or murdered by the jabs.

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On behalf of humanity, thank you, Albert!

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Amazing work and priceless archive of evidence from an uninterrupted effort.. stunning how deep the "tracking" problems go in the most basic categories yet we are to believe the emergency deployment of tracking has a fidelity they can't produce in core accounting duties.. reminds of Pentagon who cannot account for trillions in spending but confident they can pinpoint evil doers in populations.. Bezos Amazon can track a toothbrush from China to your door but please don't ask Congress to oversee or reform Enron accounting.. just trust they care about protecting the public.. Bless you for an historic chapter written real time! <3

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Try crossref.org. enter document title. Get doi. Doi is the url to enter. It will go to the article. Often this bypasses any firewall by leading to an open source abstract

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