The racial disparity vis a vis White people impacted confirms two hypothesis, one that this was targeted Racially via ACE-2 receptors. And since the preponderance of the CEOs and Chief Scientists at these companies are members of the most anti-White group on the planet, there may have been multiple malice aforethoughts.

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Valid observation. However one goofy quirk of this Race data, there was no apparent option to select "Hispanic". So it's basically white, black, Asian, and few flavors in between, but no Hispanic. I guess if you twist my arm, the closet thing for me would be American Indian aka Aztec. lol

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Interesting angle, and your pivot table delineates it better than anything else I have seen.

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Unable to find the racial impact numbers at the moment (but I will!) but I recall the most impacted were Whites, then American Blacks, East Asians and Hispanic roughly similar, and the two least affected? Ashkenazi jews, and Amish! Would imagine not a single Amish took the jab though, so I think I may have seen those numbers on a site far less rigourous scientifically than yours! It's funny, police agencies across America have been labeling Hispanic murderers as "White" in their piteous attempts to make the Leftist assertion that "the greatest threat to America is White Supremacy!"

I ex-patted to Bulgaria recently. Rarely do i find anyone jabbed. The food supply is not denatured and toxic either, surreal how much healthier older folks here are.

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Hay I just wanted to let you know I was wrong about Vsafe not having an option for "Hispanic". It was under ethnicity as opposed to race. Your observation just got more valid! Considering the population mix is the USA, there should be a lot more Hispanics and maybe other flavors as well?

BTW: I just finished updating my new dashboard. I haven't officially iframed the dashboard into my website, but I will by tomorrow and put out a new substack about it. You can still use it now in the Tableau Public environment here: https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/alberto.benavidez/viz/V-safe1/Home

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Thank you, and surreal. Figured some of the lower kill rates for blacks and Hispanics were due to compliance earlier. Longitudinal tracking is required now. EVERY person I know who jabbed has a new spate of medical conditions, although being corporate sorts, most lived reasonably unhealthy lives to begin with. Might be a confluence effect, but I still believe given the bulk of the research was Israeli/jewish/Chinese on the kill shot, targeting Whites makes sense.

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Excellent work

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