How can there possibly be ANY reports of deaths in VSAFE? That would require a Survivor to enter the report; one that would have access to the deceased phone and login privileges. VSAFE was designed NOT to record deaths. I know because the CDC admitted that in a communication I received.

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That's a darn good observation. The narratives are there and definitely written by family members or care givers. It just begs the question of how under reported will deaths and severe events be by inept evil design? How many people never did complete the 1 year survey that required 14 check-ins? Many good freshmen questions... keep asking them.

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Michael Kane w Teachers 4 Choice has notice CHD notables many from Harlem & Del Bigtree are going to be in Albany on the 14th... hundreds were fired w NYC mandates that were so psycho I was removed as an official Washington Sq Park photography volunteer as if image uploads to official sites has public health effects.. lowest sacrifice of the disaster & still like to support them.. anything in subway range, even a ferry to Hoboken are fine by me but bus trips on highways it's my support in spirit but it would be nice of some of those deep pockets showed some support for your incredible work! <3


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