Bravo, and thank you for your excellent work!

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May 13Liked by WelcomeTheEagle88

Eagle I will confidently state there is no one on planet earth who knows this data better than you (with the exception perhaps of those who are desperately trying to hide it).

You're doing God's work in exposing unprecedented levels of criminality.

Humanity owes you a debt of gratitude.

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May 13Liked by WelcomeTheEagle88

Your contribution is heroic and invaluable. Thank you for all you do, Albert!

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Congrats on the paper. The menstrual impacts sure smell like depopulation. I'm just guessing it wasn't a big accident, given what the biodistribution studies showed.

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Yup, I think so too. The immediate deaths like under 1 yr from vax, must pale in comparison to all the extra miscarriages and fetal demise in the world.

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I know that at least 2 of my 5 (adults now) granddaughters took this vaxx. Their (the 2 youngest), step mother is one of those liberals who is pro LGBTQ, BLM. I'm sick over this and she created a wall between my daughter and her 2 daughters by her activism. Everytime my daughter tried to defend her Christian stance, the stepmom would become belligerent and bullying. She and their dad took her to court, my daughter didnt have the money to fight back. They haven't talked to my daughter in 4 yrs. My daughter cries every Birthday, every Holiday and especially yesterday, Mothers Day. My daughter was a wonderful mother, but developed severe fibromyalgia and migraines. They started after she had a bad reaction after her school vaccines. He leg would spasm to where her bed would shake. This went on for a week. After that she's have migraines, then at 16 she had inflammation of her ribs to where it would incapacitate her for days. Now, she has flare ups often. Medication doesn't seem to help, just calms them.

Anyway, she lost her job over this and it created financial problems for them. The step mom used her ill ess as excuses and convinced my granddaughters that my daughter had mental issues. Sad. She divorced their dad, but the damage she caused has been done.

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So sorry to here this common story. All of us have been affected in similar manner. Peace is being taken from the earth. I know it says that in the Bible.

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