I met a man who had been vaxxed, suffered stroke and heart attack and lost his job. As expected, his physician didn't see any connection despite the patient's six-monthly medical reports to retain his licence. So it was about three years after the events that we sat down and filled in the VAERS report. For extra effort we also did the "Health" Canada form.
As noted, having the records and documents in hand, and understood, is key to doing the reports efficiently.
I would not disparage private reports three years post-injury, but the corporate delay is scandalous and should be answered in court or hearings conducted publicly and under oath.
It's beyond incompetence and almost unthinkable that epic failures in basic competence are the standard, yet these folks want to track mean tweets as if surveillance works best when it's tracking individual opinions & pharma left alone. Bless your work Albert bringing the heat!
I'm in UK. Apparently, Yellow Card reports should, somehow, get to suppliers of injections (excl. AZ as not authorised in US), and put in US VAERS system? Is it too much, for this supposedly sophisticated world, to easily import data from every country's own VAERS system and produce a global database? Now, re submitting late reports on behalf of deceased/injured, etc. Majority, no, actually all I know affected, either have no idea it is AE, too ill to be bothered, in denial, or, just think it's over. Easy to ignore with over 80 yrs as natural deaths. I personally have witnessed many illnesses since jabs, from infections requiring emergency doc to get antibiotics, to dead neonate baby, to sudden stage 4 cancer, one died 11pm, NYE, others dead with others hanging on, dementia surges, appendectomies, colon cancers, disautonomia, heart failure, paralysis, etc. None, absolutely none, are wondering if it was anything to do with shooting poison in themselves. They all trust gov 100% on health matters, unfortunately. EDIT bit - I'd love to have their vax cards to submit details. Let's face it, nothing, no-one, can/will stop this evil.
I'm in the US, and have your same experience of witnessing the horrible disease and death in people I've known - which look an awful lot like all the things you named.
I've kept a written list since January 2021, and it's about 75 people long and I could triple or quadruple that if I counted people in the community I didn't actually know well.
Maybe 2 out of a hundred would be willing to even entertain putting their names in VAERS.
All I've been able to do is keep my own simple list and pray and support Albert.
My family has been injured and has suffered from these intentional crimes committed against my family members; I hold the criminal bastards responsible. Their sins are retained and Christ will render Justice and judgment upon them. Let Hell be their eternal home.
My brothers were stricken with microscopic blood clots in their lungs. One has since died the other must carry an oxygen device with him. An impaired person who was strong and vibrant had been aged noticeably and weakened prematurely. My brother in law Charlie died from turbo cancer. He believed in “the science” he could not accept the fact that his own government would sanction demicide. I indicated to him I would avenge his death. My sister is now alone having lost the love of her life. The grandchildren are without him. I lost a friend. I know that Christian beliefs require me to forgive and I am struggling with this as the intentional murder of my beloved family members screams out for retribution and justice. However, it appears these criminal bastards are protected by deep state satanic operatives. I hope and pray Truth of their dastardly deeds will be made public and that they receive their justice dessert. Thank you for sharing some empathy for this circumstance of evil practiced against our America.
I'm 80 and from a Christian home w/ 7 brothers & not that well-read BUT watching iatrogenic "medicine" kill my Dad, Wife & best friend, somehow educated me Not to trust our 50 Billion in fraud fines, Big Pharma "medicine" (*Who also is a leader in cause of death!) Not one in my now much larger family was fool enough to fall for taking an un-proven/experimental, jab from fraudulent/ Pharma AND as a bonus, none have suffered what your family suffered! I bet none in your family took HCQ or Ivermectin to deal with Pharma's, patented/ gain of function SARS 2 Co-V 19's money maker! RIGHT? (*See the Johns Hopkins [low-ball] iatrogenic study & Dr. Gary Null's well-documented book, Death by Medicine!)
It does provide Hope that people can do Something to hold the Perpetrators of this Pox Upon Humanity Accountable...
The attitude of the global populations is shifting from helpless sheep, to Lions... It's usually not Instantaneous, although it can be. See how the # of people getting Boosters is Significantly Reduced...
Mitigating the shedding issue is gaining traction.
Key Players in the Medical and Big Pharma Perpetrator Inc. are Jumping Ship.
I wish someone could explain to me how anyone could or would trust anything published by our 50 Billion in Fraud fines I.e. Big Pharma's medicine machine!!! (Who just by chance also holds the Leading cause of iatrogenic death title?)
Speaking of Nuremberg, Did you know that the Nuremberg war crime trial #6's prosecutor said, "Without Bayer I.G. Fabens support (to sell their new coal-derived fuel, gun powder & Chemicals) WW2 could not have happened! I firmly believe our Rockefeller "medicine" has helped to kill more than Nazi Bayer I.G. Fabens! With more time comes more evil iatrogenic death!
I first became aware of i g farben and their transgressions when I read Thomas Pynchon’s , gravity’s rainbow, in my late teens. It let me know that war is excellent for business and business has no moral compunctions. Guess bayer has always been on the leading edge of evil, really cemented when they purchased Monsanto
What better way to demonstrate Romans 6:23's "Death is the wages of sin." than studying the death & destruction of Bayer I.G. Fabens sin? I.e. still in business today killing *250,000 to *800,000 people a year & harming many more with their gain of function Co-V-19 & toxic vaccines. I.e. Iatrogenic "medicine." (*See the [low-ball] Johns Hopkins's iatrogenic study, *And Dr. Gary Null's more accurate book, Death by Medicine!
For some definition of fun, it does give a sense of contribution. (The Nursing Director used to greet me,"Here comes trouble.")
VAERS does provide a report reference number, which I have from the comment above, allowing some followup and confirmation of credibility. So far, no response from "Health" Canada, so the VAERS report at least documents the case.
I filed a VAERS report on my daughter back in 2021, and VAERS acknowledged it and gave me their condolences. But the report disappears shortly thereafter. So I'm not going to bother filing another report as no doubt the same action would happen again. All I'll say now is that she had one Moderna and 1 Pfizer, and 4 months 1 week later on October 8, 2021 she died of renal cell carcinoma at the age of 56.
Unfortunately I didn’t have your excellent advice when I filed my vaers report. I found it unnecessarily difficult. I had filed for medicaid here in New Hampshire about ten years ago using their New Hampshire easy website and it was one of the easiest things I have ever used. That lead me to suspect that vaers could be simpler but they don’t want it to be. They want to discourage reporting but still collect data in a way that allows them plausible deniability for the products, it’s why they don’t improve the process
I met a man who had been vaxxed, suffered stroke and heart attack and lost his job. As expected, his physician didn't see any connection despite the patient's six-monthly medical reports to retain his licence. So it was about three years after the events that we sat down and filled in the VAERS report. For extra effort we also did the "Health" Canada form.
As noted, having the records and documents in hand, and understood, is key to doing the reports efficiently.
I would not disparage private reports three years post-injury, but the corporate delay is scandalous and should be answered in court or hearings conducted publicly and under oath.
Totally agree.
Restacked. Thanks for the audio video VAERS report filing instructions example.
It's beyond incompetence and almost unthinkable that epic failures in basic competence are the standard, yet these folks want to track mean tweets as if surveillance works best when it's tracking individual opinions & pharma left alone. Bless your work Albert bringing the heat!
I'm in UK. Apparently, Yellow Card reports should, somehow, get to suppliers of injections (excl. AZ as not authorised in US), and put in US VAERS system? Is it too much, for this supposedly sophisticated world, to easily import data from every country's own VAERS system and produce a global database? Now, re submitting late reports on behalf of deceased/injured, etc. Majority, no, actually all I know affected, either have no idea it is AE, too ill to be bothered, in denial, or, just think it's over. Easy to ignore with over 80 yrs as natural deaths. I personally have witnessed many illnesses since jabs, from infections requiring emergency doc to get antibiotics, to dead neonate baby, to sudden stage 4 cancer, one died 11pm, NYE, others dead with others hanging on, dementia surges, appendectomies, colon cancers, disautonomia, heart failure, paralysis, etc. None, absolutely none, are wondering if it was anything to do with shooting poison in themselves. They all trust gov 100% on health matters, unfortunately. EDIT bit - I'd love to have their vax cards to submit details. Let's face it, nothing, no-one, can/will stop this evil.
I'm in the US, and have your same experience of witnessing the horrible disease and death in people I've known - which look an awful lot like all the things you named.
I've kept a written list since January 2021, and it's about 75 people long and I could triple or quadruple that if I counted people in the community I didn't actually know well.
Maybe 2 out of a hundred would be willing to even entertain putting their names in VAERS.
All I've been able to do is keep my own simple list and pray and support Albert.
Eagle eye you have, Welcome the Eagle. Thanks for being on it.
Incompetence is not this, this is Suppression of Evidence, Steganogtaphy-Concealed, Buried
It's evil genius, exquisite stench. They are covering up murder. Thinly veiled I might add
My family has been injured and has suffered from these intentional crimes committed against my family members; I hold the criminal bastards responsible. Their sins are retained and Christ will render Justice and judgment upon them. Let Hell be their eternal home.
My brothers were stricken with microscopic blood clots in their lungs. One has since died the other must carry an oxygen device with him. An impaired person who was strong and vibrant had been aged noticeably and weakened prematurely. My brother in law Charlie died from turbo cancer. He believed in “the science” he could not accept the fact that his own government would sanction demicide. I indicated to him I would avenge his death. My sister is now alone having lost the love of her life. The grandchildren are without him. I lost a friend. I know that Christian beliefs require me to forgive and I am struggling with this as the intentional murder of my beloved family members screams out for retribution and justice. However, it appears these criminal bastards are protected by deep state satanic operatives. I hope and pray Truth of their dastardly deeds will be made public and that they receive their justice dessert. Thank you for sharing some empathy for this circumstance of evil practiced against our America.
Bob Gargasz
I'm 80 and from a Christian home w/ 7 brothers & not that well-read BUT watching iatrogenic "medicine" kill my Dad, Wife & best friend, somehow educated me Not to trust our 50 Billion in fraud fines, Big Pharma "medicine" (*Who also is a leader in cause of death!) Not one in my now much larger family was fool enough to fall for taking an un-proven/experimental, jab from fraudulent/ Pharma AND as a bonus, none have suffered what your family suffered! I bet none in your family took HCQ or Ivermectin to deal with Pharma's, patented/ gain of function SARS 2 Co-V 19's money maker! RIGHT? (*See the Johns Hopkins [low-ball] iatrogenic study & Dr. Gary Null's well-documented book, Death by Medicine!)
Thank You!
It does provide Hope that people can do Something to hold the Perpetrators of this Pox Upon Humanity Accountable...
The attitude of the global populations is shifting from helpless sheep, to Lions... It's usually not Instantaneous, although it can be. See how the # of people getting Boosters is Significantly Reduced...
Mitigating the shedding issue is gaining traction.
Key Players in the Medical and Big Pharma Perpetrator Inc. are Jumping Ship.
I wish someone could explain to me how anyone could or would trust anything published by our 50 Billion in Fraud fines I.e. Big Pharma's medicine machine!!! (Who just by chance also holds the Leading cause of iatrogenic death title?)
Nuremberg 2.0 NOW!!!
Speaking of Nuremberg, Did you know that the Nuremberg war crime trial #6's prosecutor said, "Without Bayer I.G. Fabens support (to sell their new coal-derived fuel, gun powder & Chemicals) WW2 could not have happened! I firmly believe our Rockefeller "medicine" has helped to kill more than Nazi Bayer I.G. Fabens! With more time comes more evil iatrogenic death!
I first became aware of i g farben and their transgressions when I read Thomas Pynchon’s , gravity’s rainbow, in my late teens. It let me know that war is excellent for business and business has no moral compunctions. Guess bayer has always been on the leading edge of evil, really cemented when they purchased Monsanto
What better way to demonstrate Romans 6:23's "Death is the wages of sin." than studying the death & destruction of Bayer I.G. Fabens sin? I.e. still in business today killing *250,000 to *800,000 people a year & harming many more with their gain of function Co-V-19 & toxic vaccines. I.e. Iatrogenic "medicine." (*See the [low-ball] Johns Hopkins's iatrogenic study, *And Dr. Gary Null's more accurate book, Death by Medicine!
Why would you file a report on the database given that it is pruned and censored and most likely never really get added?
Pruned and censored is the mother's milk, for Satan's diabolical hinch-men!
For some definition of fun, it does give a sense of contribution. (The Nursing Director used to greet me,"Here comes trouble.")
VAERS does provide a report reference number, which I have from the comment above, allowing some followup and confirmation of credibility. So far, no response from "Health" Canada, so the VAERS report at least documents the case.
I filed a VAERS report on my daughter back in 2021, and VAERS acknowledged it and gave me their condolences. But the report disappears shortly thereafter. So I'm not going to bother filing another report as no doubt the same action would happen again. All I'll say now is that she had one Moderna and 1 Pfizer, and 4 months 1 week later on October 8, 2021 she died of renal cell carcinoma at the age of 56.
Unfortunately I didn’t have your excellent advice when I filed my vaers report. I found it unnecessarily difficult. I had filed for medicaid here in New Hampshire about ten years ago using their New Hampshire easy website and it was one of the easiest things I have ever used. That lead me to suspect that vaers could be simpler but they don’t want it to be. They want to discourage reporting but still collect data in a way that allows them plausible deniability for the products, it’s why they don’t improve the process