A New VAERS Guinness Record Has Just Been Published!
"New" Covid Jab Death on Feb 3 2021 but published Jan 3 2025
It’s actually very disingenuous of me to classify this report into the “throttling” genre of reports because it’s technically not “purposeful delay in submission or publication”.
This report is actually the best “positive” throttle job now my personal favorite of all reports. There is a lot of juicy details and sorry for your loss my man, this report hits home because my parents are around the same age.
What really important to notice is this report is self reported by the son of the victim apparently 3 years after his fathers death. Who knows what took my man this long to submit a report to VAERS, but the point is that it’s never too late to submit a report!
We the people need to pick up our couch and walk! File your report for your parents, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. As long as it’s not fake or false, anybody can file for anybody else. It’s ideal to have as much information as possible, demographics, dates, manufacturer, etc.
Reports can be filed here:
I have a “How To” video that is very helpful and gives you deep insight in what to expect and some helpful tips. I’ve filed about half dozen reports for family and friends and can now file a report in about 5mins. The secret is to have your summary narrative and all details ready to copy/paste from a word document into the VAERS system. The prep work compiling lot numbers, vax dates, hospital address, telephone numbers, vaccination site name, address, phone, etc. take a lot longer.
The “How To” Video:
If I could slap you in a lips a couple more times here is some real throttling, collusion fraud, and RICO!
God Bless!
Need help finding your VAERS report?
Please sign Federal Investigation Petition:
I met a man who had been vaxxed, suffered stroke and heart attack and lost his job. As expected, his physician didn't see any connection despite the patient's six-monthly medical reports to retain his licence. So it was about three years after the events that we sat down and filled in the VAERS report. For extra effort we also did the "Health" Canada form.
As noted, having the records and documents in hand, and understood, is key to doing the reports efficiently.
I would not disparage private reports three years post-injury, but the corporate delay is scandalous and should be answered in court or hearings conducted publicly and under oath.
Restacked. Thanks for the audio video VAERS report filing instructions example.