Just consider how many shady biotech companies are festering across this country. RICO, money laundering, bribery of public officials. The tip of a very nasty iceberg. God bless the code enforcement officers for doing their job.

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Yup. I believe in poison and toxins. This is all sorcery and witchcraft. I can picture evil witches stirring up a big "unburnt" stew of monkey guts and rat shit now...

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Thank you for spotlighting this shocking news—

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Thank you Peter & Ginger Breggin! I'm a huge fan of yours. Keep up the good fight! God Bless

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My own experience and observations along with all of the research from The End of COVID series has shown me convincing evidence that viruses and contagions in general do not exist as we have been told (if at all) and certainly don't make us sick or spread among people, or animals to make us sick. The End of COVID series clearly shows, not just for COVID but for many other so-called diseases attributed to viruses, the lack of research and science to support that there are viruses, or even any kind of contagion, along with very viable alternative reasons why past outbreaks of disease attributed to viruses would have happened (e.g. often sanitation related, but in one case large amounts of toxic ammonia in the atmosphere). Adding to this the statistics and timelines of symptoms attributed to contagious viral disease decreasing and bottoming out well before 'life saving vaccines' were introduced.

Given my understanding now based on real science, I do not see this 'news' article as news, but as propaganda designed to continue the fear porn and pre-program us for the next fake pandemic. Or, the potential for a pandemic - because according to the W.H.O. Treaty that nearly every nation on Earth has signed on to, that's all that communist dictator and Bill Gates puppet Tedros needs in order to declare a pandemic and take total control of every nation that signs on to this ridiculous and most egregious treaty and do whatever he wants. Considering he is clearly a lying, gaslighting, psychopath and communist controlled by a eugenist puppet master even worse than Tedros himself, people need to stop falling for the fear porn and propaganda like this designed to pre-program us to go along with our own extermination.

And what exactly are bacterial viruses? From my understanding of the scientology lies, something is either a bacteria or a virus. Not both. So why is this article talking about bacterial viruses? Until people understand what really causes us to be ill, and start living in accordance with nature and respecting and supporting our bodies in their attempts to detox and heal us we will be easily controlled by the psychopaths who are profiting every step of the way as they march us to our death.

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I'm totally down with the "no virus" thing. I do believe in poisons and toxins and I believe evil doers can make poisons and synthetic poisons. Now the whole thing about transmission from one person to another and passing some kind of infirmity is another is secondary questions IMO. I do not believe in natural poisons that can spread amongst a population like the black plague as an example. I get what you are saying about the continual idea of a chimeric or gain of function "virus". As long as there are poisons in the world, some fool will try to figure out how to poison the next person for profit. A natural virus/poison might be the 2nd biggest lie ever told. The 1st being that God does not exist. God Bless

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