In my last article HERE I pointed out how damaging the fraudulent “Hulk” report was and used as a tool to discredit the VAERS system. The report was ultimately deleted from the VAERS system but not until March 10, 2023 and not before the damage was already done and propagated forward by social media clowns and paid pharma shills. Yes VAERS kept the report around entirely too long, and should have captured it during the adjudication phase and it should have never have made it into publication. It’s deleted now and that’s what’s important. The reality of this Hulk report is that it was a fanatical pro vaccine physician that tried to sabotage VAERS! This is why I’m calling a spade, a spade now.
It turns out there is way more to this shady Oregonian anesthesiologist than meets the eye…
This Vice News article in February 2021 was well timed and probably the most damaging article for VAERS, right at the moment serious adverse event reports were pouring into the system. I broke down what bullshit this “Hulk” report was in the last article, and of course there is so many more inconsistencies like Vice writers saying it was a flu vaxx, but it was actually a MMR vaxx this shady Dr. James Laidler self reported for a childhood vaccine he received in 1971.
So this Incredible Hulk was some snot nose, pimply faced child Hulk? Laidler filed this report some 30yrs after the fact? Do you see how flimsy this attempt to sabotage VAERS was?
There is another spot in the article that make no sense where this shady physician says the CDC, “asked his permission to delete the report”, which by every measure is already defined as a federal crime by knowingly submitting fake or false VAERS reports
To the CDC’s credit, it followed up with Laidler and asked his permission to remove the report, which he agreed to. “If I had not agreed, the record would be there still, showing that any claim can become part of the database, no matter how outrageous or improbable,” he wrote at the time.
So what’s up with James Laidler, who is this guy and what is his motivation?
Well let’s not guild the lily, let’s make sure he is at least who he says he is which is a anesthesiologist in good standing? James Laidler looks to have a valid NPI (National Provider Identifier). All legitimate healthcare providers will have a NPI# that can been verified on many other sites, however all those other sites are referencing data from the CMS NPPES System.
Anybody who has a problem with me doxxing this foolio, that’s too bad to sad. This shady character deserves to be called out, and in fact he probably deserves to be in jail as a convicted felon. I will tell you this, Laidler’s Type 1 & Type 2 NPI affiliations look very shady. This guy’s paper work looks very questionable as I’ve taken a deep dive into all his affiliations like CODA, Inc (COMPREHENSIVE OPTIONS FOR DRUG ABUSERS, INC.) and Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde. I won’t bust his chops on the Tom Foolery dude is probably up to now, but rather what he was doing around 2004 when Laidler filed this fraudulent “Hulk” VAERS report?
Jim Laidler also fancies himself a virologist as per his Wikipedia entry, he was also a big autism activist promoting all the autism “therapies” of the time, but eventually did a full about face and now says, “thimerosal-containing vaccines DO NOT cause autism.”
So let’s all get this straight people, per Jim’s explanation in this Quackwatch article above he initially believes mercury containing vaccines caused both his sons to develop autism for which he became a big voice and activist. He then flips his opinion all the way to other side of the spectrum and mercury in vaccines DOES NOT cause autism? OMG! Can you believe this clown?
Look ya’ll I don’t want to get into this fools psychosis and try to dissect his moves back then. I’ve left a easy popcorn trail for anybody to check further into this clown and try and figure out why this guy would want to sabotage VAERS? I guess you would have to call this guy a pro-vaxxer, even though he has two autistic kids injured by vaccines? Maybe it’s much easier to drink the Kool-Aid Dr. James Laidler drinks than to believe you as a father were the one responsible for poisoning your own sons and ruining their lives? Maybe some big pharma blood money came knocking on his door? Big pharma became his pimp, and Jim became pharma’s bottom pocket biiiiatch? Being a paid shill now makes more sense doesn’t it?
This “Hulk” back story is truly really better than the report itself. I think VAERS is a good system, can be great, but the CDC/FDA are colluding with pharma and gaming the system themselves. If VAERS wanted to regain some integrity, they would go arrest Dr. James R. Laidler and bring him to justice for perpetrating a federal crime.
BTW- In the Vice News article there is mention of another VAERS “Wonder Woman” report by a guy named Kevin Leitch who actually filed a VAERS report from the United Kingdom. This report also is hot pile of dung for many reasons…:
No live or deleted report exists with the phrase “wonder woman” in any VAERS report, or any field within.
Kevin never declares any verified VAERS ID#, only that he was able to “submit” the report.
Submitting a VAERS report does not guarantee the report will be published. There is a up to 4-6 week adjudication process before a finalized ID# is issued and a report is published. Submissions can be deleted for duplicate or fake/false reporting.
Kevin never mentions all the times the VAERS system asks for address and tel# and emails for hospitals, healthcare providers, vax site locations, etc… Yes fields are optional but highly encouraged to submit, so as to cut-down on administrative follow-up and additional requests for records. However, if your report looks like shady bullshit as Kevin’s must have, your report was probably deleted and never published.
Easy way to solve trying to locate the Wonder Woman report, is to have Kevin just tell the world what the VAERS ID# is…
Common Yo. These foolios messed with the wrong Mexicano now. I’m not as polished up and refined as the rest of the anti-vaxx movement. I don’t play by the Chatham House rules. I will go onto Yelp and put all these fools on blast if need be. Think twice before you get your methadone from Dr. Laidler, he’ll probably steal your welfare check via the social worker, don’t think I don’t know that scam Laidler.
Last BTW- Momentum for Health is one of Santa Clara County’s largest nonprofit providers of behavioral health services. David K. Mineta is currently the C.E.O. and our international airport in San Jose is named after his father Norman Mineta. David was my boss for a short stint at Momentum, so I do know a little about mental health and probably some of the shenanigan scams Laidler is pulling off these days.
God Bless
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When the Hulk commentary first came to my attention, there was indeed a valid VAERS report hitting on the search parameter "incredible hulk". Here is a link to a facebook post I made regarding how it was being used to discredit VAERS. However it was just a description of the vaccine injury.
His office next to Shriners Hospital……….his office permanently closed!