There. Perfect presentation of lag days - 920 days, roughly. Your tax dollars at work.

I predict that will just increase. Reason they will use?


The CDC faces $1.5 billion in budget cuts. Layoffs will almost certainly follow

I'm just guessing that the layoffs will start with the VAERS team. Am I too cynical?

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I'm SO grateful for your work Albert.

(And I will be a paying subscriber when I finally get a new cc shortly.)

Haven't had the time to drag out my Aztec calendar, been busy about Maui - Rhy being on Molokai.

Thank you for keeping on it.

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No worries Jill, your one of my fav followers, say hi to Rhy and will pray for a hedge of protection for him. God Bless

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Dear Will Hunting,

Sample FOIA: https://www.ftc.gov/foia/make-foia-request/sample-foia-request-letter

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC)

1600 Clifton Road Atlanta, GA 30329-4027 USA

800-232-4636 (800-CDC-INFO)

Dear Sir/Madam:

This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act. I request that a copy of the following be provided to me:

All VAERS reports that have never been published, in the form of a CSV file electronically.

This totals over 90,000 reports since the creation of the VAERS database in 1986 and includes over 30,000 since the public rollout of covid vaccines (Dec 2020).

In order to help determine fees, I am advised to let you know that I am an individual rather than any sort of corporate entity.

I am willing to pay fees up to $1,000. If you expect the fees will exceed this, please contact me before proceeding.

I request a waiver of all fees for this request. Disclosure of the requested information to me is in the public interest because it is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations or activities of the government, specifically the CDC, and is not primarily in my commercial interest.

If you need to discuss this request, I can be reached at my phone number below. Thank you for your consideration of my request.


Albert Benevides


City, State, Zip

Telephone Number

[Note: If it were me, I'd consider adding something like the following but that's me, I am not known for being nice but rather, genuine to a fault so I inevitably wind up ticking everybody off and they dump me:

One possible outcome from this data is a finding that the reason these reports were held back was due to poor quality and if so, then this knowledge could lead to some ideas from the public on dealing with those reports openly which could improve on the CDC's current flailing reputation and rising suspicions in the public eye. An establishment of more trust. Another is that it may reveal additional extraordinary harm to people being hidden and if so, any failure to disclose this information and in a timely manner would clearly break the law under which VAERS was created for the public good for its expressed purpose: Public reporting and open knowledge of adverse events from vaccines.]

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A huge thank you for reporting.

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