Congrats on your Dr McCullough follow : )

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Hey Albert,

Thank you for this post!

#1344872 is exactly what I've been trying to puzzle out of what ever data I can comprehend....

I've commented about this here before - wondering if the Janssen deaths are nearly all more immediate (within 9 months of being shot) than the mRNA variety.

#1344872 may be the first anomaly I've seen to my guess. But I haven't looked at a ton of data either.

Also wanted to thank you for the wonderful Father's Day post you did - your mom is so beautiful and her prayer was the best. Also loved the etymology of Aguilar!

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Thanks Jill. That was a good weekend. Reinette Senum presentation was awesome and heartbreaking for the planet and just how bad that Sierra and Tahoe area really is. It's dying! Becuase of my father's day post, Josh Guetzkow reached out to me help book him for a presentation at the Menlo Park gig. So that's going to happen in August when he is in town. Most people don't know but he's from San Jose! I'm trying to book him at our church, that's a bigger gig, but he so worth it because he is deep behind the scenes and knows stuff. Most of those Janssen deaths are quick like the rest, if a Janssen death comes out now it's usually a throttled death report as opposed to someone dying 9 months after their last shot. It's getting harder to properly calculate lag days to death from last shot. Since you can only enter in one vax date, but you get 3-4-5 shots, some people put in the date of the first shot, but the summary reads they had 3-4-5 shots. Now it's hard to determine if the one vax date was their first shot or their last shot? Cleaning the vax date could be done and would help but's time consuming. There is a lots that can be done and that's what I try to convey to Kirsch's or McCullough's or CHD's, Highwire's, etc... My stuff is all beta and examples of what can be done, if we could stop dicking around with some many weekend feel good seminars and bets, and put a small team together and make the world's best VAERS visualization site complete with cleansed data and unedited data, etc... then we could really watchdog VAERS properly. Here is a sample of some pro dashboard makers: https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/rishikeshgundla/viz/SalesPerformanceTrackerDashboard/SalesCockpit

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Thanks for the reply Albert - that's great about Josh Guetzkow coming.

It would be awesome if all this data could be "cleansed and unedited" - and I agree, as most of the public does now, after 3 years, enough with the "feel good seminars", let's get some definitive info.

Your dashboards are works of art - I need to get better at finding the information I'm looking for in that format. (I tend to process information easier in words than graphs, but I'm trying to learn!)

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We could hire one of these pros for a few days to build a real dashboard like this: https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/naresh.suglani/viz/SuperstoreEUSales_16867286714330/Summary

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