925 days it took CDC to finalize and publish this report? Yes. A 58 year old employee of a clinic passed 72hours after 2nd dose. It’s not stated if this victim got his jab at the clinic he worked at, but that doesn’t matter because the CDC had it their possession since Feb 5, 2021.
You would think in 2.5 years they could figure out what state the report originated from? What does this report and thousands of other death reports would have done to Steve Kirsch’s URF 41x calculations when he crunched the numbers back in Aug 2021?
Oh believe me, I’m going to show you how conservative these calculations were, and I didn’t say anything because after all he’s Steve Kirsch.
I actually have not been silent on URF 41x, I always thought it was low ball and on the very very very conservative side. I’ve measured this 41x from every angle and my best rebuttal doesn’t have to do with math at all, but rather CDC’s change in the rules. You see back when the Harvard Pilgrim Study came out in early 2011 see HERE, that’s when the CDC changed their rules and began publishing ONLY INITIAL REPORTS!
So now the question must be asked, well how many people that were alive when reports were submitted but are now since DEAD? Huge paradigm shift to the URF wouldn’t you say? But oh well let’s get into Stevie’s math and let me show you where he bamboozled himself and it comes in the first step right out of the gate here:
You see his formula consists of Mass. General Hospital (MGH) study where they calculated 2.47 anaphylactic reactions per 10K first doses. Steve then takes the 583 cases he found and correlated it to the 97.5M first doses thru March 2021.
Well first off it’s that 583 cases I call into question. I cringe every time I see Steve do one of these calculations primarily because of how he queries the reports in MedAlerts.
Here you will see I duplicated Steve’s query and lucky it still looks basically the same:
This query is very specific and assumes way more than what VAERS is actually doing for us. Because Steve choose “Interval is 0” this will return only those reports that qualify by having a vax date and a onset set date recorded in applicable fields.
Have you ever asked yourself how many reports DO NOT have a vaxx date and/or onset date recorded, but is properly recorded or described in the summary narrative?
So 8-9% of all reports have no vax or onset date. The percentage only gets worse when asking to exclude any report missing one or the other! Here are many reports that fit Steve’s query but were missed for not having a vax and/or onset date:
Like these:
These three examples and potentially hundreds others like it should have qualified for Steve’s original query but didn’t because of the missing data fields. What about the throttling or purposeful delay of publishing reports? All of these peculiarities would seem to increase Steve’s 583 anaphylaxis case numerator and therefore lower his URF not increase it? Well maybe, but we should probably double check that stat about 97.5M first doses rolled out by March 31st, 2021.:
The CDC Tracker now says almost 109M, that’s a difference of more than ~11M people to Steve’s 97.5M, I mean shit why do we even count in half millions if it’s going to be this loosy goosy? Also shaving off a thousand deaths (2*500) that Steve does off his original 6,167 to account for background deaths and the old people that would have died anyways or were on their way out like in palliative care when they received their depop shot, I don’t subscribe to either. Rob a day of life from someone and it’s still murder! By the way folks there is now at least 8,250 DEAD victims now with a date of death 8/27/2021 or before. Dead is dead and that 8,250 to Steve’s 6,167 just highlights the throttling that is going on.
To Steve’s credit he was saying the whole time 41x is a very conservative number, but in my opinion there is conservative and then not even in the same zip code? I think you can double Steve’s URF just asking how many people are now since dead but were alive when reports were submitted? Forget the bundling of multiple deaths on a single report, forget any valid deaths that may have been deleted, forget the throttling and whatever inventory CDC is still sitting on, forget the family members that can’t distinguish between their ass and their elbow that these are vaccine deaths not long covid, or diabetes, or age, or some comorbidity. Forget about V-safe running interference on VAERS. This is murder. The Harvard Pilgrim Study didn’t have to deal in this new paradigm and 99x maybe antiquated and obsolete as well? Heck if you outlive your usefulness, you will be considered obsolete too! This Chatham House Rules bullshit is over, as far as I’m concerned. Based on Stevie’s response in the video below, I think he knows his 41x is ultra conservative, I guess the numbers are ugly enough as I’ve been told by some celebrity analysts.
Here is me asking Stevie if he thought his 41x was still relevant back in mid May 2022:
Please support The Eagle! God Bless.
Oh! Oh! BTW- catch Steve’s full analysis on his Rumble channel HERE from where I got the screen grabs. It’s his very first video that kicked off his Rumble channel, entitled TFNT1 or The False Narrative Takedown Series #1
We will never be able to quantify the people that one or two depop shots a year or two ago, but are dying now. Tragic. Natural background deaths is like using the MMR vaccine as the placebo arm, they have been killing us slowly this whole time!? Anybody who is still trying to improve the tech or the formulation or “believes” in safe vaccines is either in politics, getting paid or getting played.
Hey Albert,
I made this stack into a concise little piece leaving out Kirsch because I thought your explanation for regular people is brilliant.
I didn't change anything, just omitted stuff.
I actually have not been silent on URF 41x, I always thought it was low ball and on the very very very conservative side. I’ve measured this 41x from every angle and my best rebuttal doesn’t have to do with math at all, but rather CDC’s change in the rules. You see back when the Harvard Pilgrim Study came out in early 2011 see HERE, that’s when the CDC changed their rules and began publishing ONLY INITIAL REPORTS!
So now the question must be asked, well how many people that were alive when reports were submitted but are now since DEAD? Huge paradigm shift to the URF wouldn’t you say?
“Interval is 0” will return only those reports that qualify by having a vax date and a onset set date recorded in applicable fields.
Have you ever asked yourself how many reports DO NOT have a vaxx date and/or onset date recorded, but is properly recorded or described in the summary narrative?
So 8-9% of all reports have no vax or onset date. The percentage only gets worse when asking to exclude any report missing one or the other!
Also shaving off deaths for background deaths and the old people that would have died anyways or were on their way out like in palliative care when they received their depop shot, I don’t subscribe to either. Rob a day of life from someone and it’s still murder.
41x is a very conservative number, but in my opinion there is conservative and then not even in the same zip code? I think you can double the URFx41 just asking how many people are now since dead but were alive when reports were submitted? Forget the bundling of multiple deaths on a single report, forget any valid deaths that may have been deleted, forget the throttling and whatever inventory CDC is still sitting on, forget the family members that can’t distinguish between their ass and their elbow that these are vaccine deaths not long covid, or diabetes, or age, or some comorbidity. Forget about V-safe running interference on VAERS. This is murder. The Harvard Pilgrim Study didn’t have to deal in this new paradigm and 99x maybe antiquated and obsolete as well? Heck if you outlive your usefulness, you will be considered obsolete too! This Chatham House Rules bullshit is over, as far as I’m concerned.
We will never be able to quantify the people that one or two depop shots a year or two ago, but are dying now. Tragic. Natural background deaths is like using the MMR vaccine as the placebo arm, they have been killing us slowly this whole time!? Anybody who is still trying to improve the tech or the formulation or “believes” in safe vaccines is either in politics, getting paid or getting played.
Very well done. From curiosity only what does Steve think about your somewhat conservative estimation?