I have been in the corporate world for the past 20 years, most of that focused on implementing critical communications systems within hospitals, universities, and military sites. I have been around power points, dashboards, and excel files used to display data for that entire time period; and you have blown me away with your skillset in that area from the time you came on the scene. If I had to formulate a team to plead my case, you would be at the top of it, and at this moment there is none more important that the one you are tackling. Keep up the amazing work, and knowing the time you take to break your workflow down as you do so is much appreciated!!!

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Wow Bobby! Gracias my man, if you saw the mighty hamster running it all, you'd get a good laugh. I wish I had better skills, I have friends that have way better skills they just don't want to devote the time especially when the reward is nothing except spirit cash... and greater in the corporate world. No worries, I'm the Rudy Ruettiger (Notre Dame) on Team Freedom & Team Jesus. lol I'm just waiting for someone better to come along and relieve me of my post, until then I feel obligated to stand guard and expose these carnival tricks. God Bless

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I'm well aware of how that goes lol It's many times though, those who are capable of thinking out of the box to get the job done, are those who see there is a box in the first place which has others boxed into it. Either way, there are usually many paths to arrive at the truth, and the more complicated that path is, the more one understands all the mechanisms involved in concealing it. One of the beauties of AI emerging on the scene at the level it is now is that it will help polish those workflows into more elegant scripting. The true skill is knowing what questions to be asking, and wisdom comes from knowing when to ask them. That is something Team Freedom & Team Jesus will always be a step ahead with!!!

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Looking forward to diving into the amazing tool you've built! My questions center around VAERS as a decision-making tool, am hoping someone from General Dynamics will also join the discussion to address recordkeeping anomalies

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Thanks Dr. Benoit, reading the monthly progress notes within the Guetzkow's FOIA'd documents, it's interesting when I over lay that timeline with what RFKjr said to our church on Jun 19, 2021. If you listen closely, he says he met with "vaers people" the week before... so squarely in the month of June, when he states "150K reports disappeared...". https://www.bitchute.com/video/D4P12KCyxn2G/

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What astonishes me is that even with a lot of unseemly behaviour, VAERS *still* showed a signal of a problem.

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Albert! So great to see you on The Stack! Welcome, baby. Now go get 'em!

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Thanks Reinette! I'm want to come out swinging! lol

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Hey Albert,

So glad you are well - I check your bitchute a few times a month and was getting worried when you hadn't posted.

Now on the stacks, eh? Like you needed one more thing to do........but love seeing you here too.

Been hearing your temps aren't much different than ours in the Last Frontier - stay warm, I know you'll never chill out on your duty!

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Hi Jill, yes I'm doing good. So few views on my videos and all my platforms, is a bit discouraging. I added quite a few dashboards and things on my website and been polishing up some stuff. I figured I should document on Substack for more reach. I'm not abandoning the videos just trying to incorporate into Substack. It's been pretty wet here, cold for us is below 50 degrees, so no complaints. Stay cool, God Bless

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How many COVID reports have been reported by VAERS since the rollout in December 2020? In other words, how many reports are the 950,000 adverse events (symptoms) based on?

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Albert, I should have been more specific. I did a VAERS run yesterday for the USA/territories.

There were ~945,000 total events. I wanted the COVID reports associated with this fraction of VAERS. It seems this would be about 700,000 reports, based on your 1.5M number for total VAERS. Is that correct? Do you have a more exact number?

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Ah yes, there are 945,821 unique "domestic" covid19 and covid19-2(bivalent) reports. This produces 1,134,522 "event comes". A single report can have multiple event levels checked off. My dashboards are calibrated to only capture the highest level event per report. Therefore using badbatch.com when a lot# says there were 50 deaths, 100 Life Threatening's, and 150 hospitalizations... some of the LT's and hospitalizations could have also died and be counted as part of those 50 deaths... So when you say 945K total events, I'm assuming you mean what medalerts and the wonder system call "event outcomes". Here is the actual blurb/disclaimer at the bottom of the summary report for all domestic (aka excluding foreign): † Because some cases have multiple vaccinations and symptoms, a single case can account for multiple entries in this table. This is why the Total Count is greater than 945,821 (the number of cases found), and the Total Percent is greater than 100. I hope I'm answering your question properly. God Bless

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Here is a little overview: https://imgur.com/gallery/kqZbWXP

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Just watched the Open VAERS Story on rumble The OpenVAERS Story - Round Table w/ Liz Willner and Jessica Rose, PhD (https://rumble.com/v24njuy-the-openvaers-story-round-table-w-liz-willner-and-jessica-rose-phd.html)

You may have covered it already, but do you think the "Symptom" on kids' reports "Product administered to person of inaproppriate age" may be a signal that some reports of actual AE were re-classified in that way b/c they technically didn't fit within the then-available framework (before kids' EUA), and thus many children's AE reports were "written over" and therefore, essentially, erased?

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Yes, it's a VAERS rule that all "administration errors" need to be filed with VAERS. It sounds good in principal, but it's actually a horrible idea considering ONLY INITIAL REPORTS ARE PUBLISHED. So jabbing kids that were inappropriate age now shields any follow-up data from being published or made public. Pre-2011 they did "append" follow-up data to initial reports and the administration error rule was a good rule, but now like everything else it works against overall system. https://i.imgur.com/IZ4K9iU.jpg

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disability claims examiner here...you are correct, people are dropping like flies and we have never been busier with valid claims...

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