The VAERS band-aid is about to be torn off!
The THROTTLING (purposeful delay in publishing) is amazing!
Consider this an update to my previous article:
As you can see since my last post about five days ago I’ve found an additional ~1,000 DEATH DATES within reasonable day “lag” windows. What is absolutely incredible is I’ve begun to audit/analyze the SPLIT_TYPE field which has revealed additional numeric date patterns and reveal additional delays between manufacturer and VAERS. Consider the rest of this article a study on the split_type. I will use the country of Malaysia for this example since I haven’t polished them up yet, but I will after this article.
Here is some raw data to stare at with some explanations after:
Split Type is in yellow and I am using Pfizer for this example but Moderna and J&J use the same alpha numeric pattern. The first two letters are the two digit country code, followed by manufacturer, then the year. After the year and depending on the country the next digit closely follows a “month” pattern. Many countries and even the USA are following a chronologic order. Organizing what is apparently a “backwards” split type date in order of ID#, Vax Date, received date, published date, etc. and various combinations along with what is written is the summary narratives helps to determine what the missing death date, vax date, or onset date might have been. Lot Expiration Date is another area I will factor in where applicable. I chose this particular cross section because many countries are represented along with many missing dates. In the interest of saving image space, I’m only showing two columns for VAX_DATE at column AQ and AR. AQ represents the CDC WONDER systems unedited or original data. AR is vaersaware “cleansed” data or where I’ve taken the liberty to ethically populate a vax date based on all applicable data. So if you zero in on cell AR9874 and AR9875 you will see I have initially determined the vax date to be no later than Feb12, 2021, because of Today’s Date which is the very first date captured by VAERS. The grand majority of the time it exactly matches the received date aka the Entered Date that is published to the world. You need to be a stickler for exact terminology or this will turn into a Abbot & Costello skit, “Who’s on first, What’s on second, third base!” I’ve noticed VAERS has banking hours, the variance is usually no more than 3 days as if VAERS stops processing Friday at 4pm EST and opens back up on Monday? Doing a day of the week audit should be pretty simple, so I’ll follow-up and circle back on that too shortly. The pink section are “day lags” between most of various dates. Do you see a negative number at cell BS9872? This tells me my onset/death date if off.
Ok now that I have you stretched out and ready to go let’s circle back to Malaysia which has about 1,710 reports, 219 of which are DEATHS. Here is what their VaxDates are:
The majority of Malaysia’s vax dates landing on eight or nine dates is basically impossible. When a date field is missing I revert to the next best date methodology like I explained above, now let’s take a look at few examples to show you an awesome discovery!
In the second example above you can see the three month delay VAERS took to publish and the corresponding split type date from Pfizer Malaysia.
In this example above you can see the delay is not with VAERS, but with Pfizer Malaysia cross-walking the report VAERS. Since Pfizer is the boss of VAERS, I wouldn’t be surprised if it is VAERS that sat on the report then manipulated the received date? Regardless, the additional revelation that Malaysia also has this additional regulatory number that basically has it’s year and month embedded is very helpful. These Pfizer Malaysian fools basically left their finger prints to every “throttled” report!!! Bahahaha! Let me show you a couple more…
None of the second series or “month” date goes above 12, this particular regulatory authority is using a year/month numerical system and there are more countries doing it this way too! I know I got peeps in the UK, NZ, Australia that have probably figured this out or can help me more clues, so there will be more to come I promise. What started out to be a hunt for missing death dates has just turned into something kind of massive considering how many reports actually have a missing vax and/or death date. Think there might be a few where I caught them throttling, but they were actually throttled (delayed) even more! Uggh.
I may not be the smartest or polished up or even have a PhD, but I have been auditing medical insurance claims for awhile, and had my own medical billing service, and helped run a couple large billing operations pumping out ~18,000 claims a day for Bio-Reference Labs. I’ll take my cheesy Certified Professional Coder cert and my 25yrs of experience and go eye ball to eye ball with anyone on VAERS. I’m the best, but it’s Jesus who strengthens me. Phil 4: 11-13. Please consider getting a paid subscription to help out Kid Fresh. God Bless.
I’m up to date and you can sniff around VAERS with a new pair of glasses HERE.
PREMESSA: io ho fatto denuncia di morte, di mia mamma, dopo 2 jabs di Pfxxxxx alla VigiFarmaco e alla VAERS (la Pfxxx è americana). almeno voi avete i dati VAERS anche se sottostimati. in italia è difficilissimo fare una denuncia alla VigiFarmaco (come quelle al VAERS). anche se riesci a farla NON puoi vedere se effettivamente è stata registrata a meno che tu non sia un medico o chi per esso: il singolo cittadino NON può vedere NULLA. poi, i dati dall'italia dovrebbero essere inviati all'EudraVigilance. bene, all'EudraVigilance NON c'è alcun morto con le caratteristiche da me descritte su mia mamma !!!! scopro che l'EuroMOMO (attività europea per il monitoraggio della mortalità) ha ricevuto solamete il 14 % delle denunce italiane. se vado in VAERS io continuo a trovare l'ID di mia mamma. questo è uno dei tantissimi motivi che mi fa incazzare, arrabbiare, andare fuori di testa per queste situazioni incresciose che si sono create sui dati (raccolta, aggregazione, analisi, verifica e studio). fino a quando questi "signori" (signori è un eufemismo) non butteranno giù la loro maschera ed inizieranno a dire la verità NON ne verremo mai fuori. NON credo che rinsaviscano. NON credo che ammetteranno di aver sbagliato (per dolo, per negligenza, per ignoranza vera o folsa). TUTTI dovrebbero finire nelle PATRIE GALERE e le chiavi delle loro celle dovrebbero essere fuse per NON dare alcuna possibilità di uscita. .... questo mio pensiero purtoppo è solo una UTOPICA speranza .... purtroppo. .... ma per fortuna ci siete VOI ♥
The single most foundational data one must take into account (as a baseline) if they wish to approach the VAERS data to get anywhere near the truth, is the Harvard study of VAERS which tracked the 100% of the recently vaccinated patients from a sample of hospitals. The study found that "less than 1%" of the ACTUAL injuries and deaths occurring shortly after vaccinated were ever reported to VAERS and it concluded that these "side effects" were COMMON, not "rare";-)
SEE the study here:
And the VAERS reporting only got WORSE after this study was completed. As a baseline, one must first take the VAERS numbers and multiply them by at least 100 times. But this will not reveal how many people had long-term injuries that later led to their deaths. This is because most people to do not immediately succumb to the injuries, and often aren't aware they've been injured until much later.
And of course, there was that standing order from the CDC which required hospitals to report recently vaccinated people (who showed up dying from the vaccine injuries) as "unvaccinated" if they had not had their 2nd shot yet, or if it has been less than 2 weeks since their last shot. So anyone who was suffering an acute reaction to a recent shot (1st or 2nd) could not be counted as a vaccine injury because they were officially labeled as "unvaccinated".