May 26, 2023Liked by WelcomeTheEagle88

Incompetent US COVID-19 Vax Injury Compensation Program Has No Computer Systems!


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May 26, 2023Liked by WelcomeTheEagle88

Dr David Martin addresses the European Parliament. https://twitter.com/KimDotcom/status/1661698114917646336

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Jessica Rose has a couple of options if she wants to become accurate. She could suddenly learn to rely on those who know what they're doing instead of brushing them off or learn regular expression pattern matching herself. For example, to fill in the 330,000+ missing ages, she would:

First clear those like 41â years-old with .replace(r'[^\x00-\x7F]+', '') by removing that European unicode character.

To avoid error, cope with those like 1 year and 2 months and 3 days old: r'\band\s*.{0,6}\W?months*\W?'

Verify there are no longer any like r'\b((?:\d+[\,\.])*\d{1,3}[\s\-]*years*).{0,5}(?:\d+[\,\.])*\d{1,3}[\s\-]*months*'

Capture pattern 6-month-10-days-old male like r'\b((?:\d+[\,\.])*\d{1,3}[\s\-]*months*).{0,5}(?:\d+[\,\.])*\d{1,3}[\s\-]*(?:week|day)s*'

Also like 4-weeks and 2-days-old female with r'\b((?:\d+[\,\.])*\d{1,3}[\s\-]*weeks*).{0,5}(?:\d+[\,\.])*\d{1,3}[\s\-]*days*'

And get male patient aged 0 to 17 years (or ages): r'\bage[a-z]?.{1,9}\d+\s*(?:\-|to)\s*\d+\s*(?:month|year)s*'

Handle adults aged 18 years or older: r'\b(?:age[a-z]?\s*)\d+\s*(?:month|year)s*\s*or\s*older'

And at least 18 years old: r'at least \d+\s*(?:day|week|month|year)s*\s*(?:of age|old)'

Screen out for 5 to 11 years old: r'\b\d+\s*(?:\?|\W|to)\s*\d+ years*'

Cover 0-year-old and 0-days-old: r'\D0[\s\-]\w{1,7}[\s\-]old'

Then do a few replacements:

replaces1 = {

# 8,5 month old (european style) or 3.5-months-old included using (?:\d+[\,\.])*

r'.*?\b((?:\d+[\,\.])*\d{1,3}[\s\-]*(?:year|month|week|day|decade)s?\W*old|\d+ of age)\b.*': r'\1',

r'.*?\b(aged*\W*\d{1,3})\D.*' : r'\1', # avoid age 1980, get age:18 and age 31 and/or aged 62

r'.*?\b(\d+[\s\-]*yr*[\.\W]*\s*o)\b.*' : r'\1', # 11yo, 12 yo, 14 y/o, 15 y o, 16 yr o, 17 y. o.


And some others:

replaces2 = {

's+' : r'' , # bizaro replace/regex bug. Going after like 's' in decades but only works with the +. Or [ss] (s or s) works also.

r'\-+' : r' ' ,

r'\W+' : r' ' ,

r'\s+' : r' ' ,

r'\s*(?<!a)(?:yr*\W*\s*o|year|old|of age|aged*)': r' ' , # 25 y/o, yo, y o, 25yo etc but (?<!a) to avoid turning 10 day old into 10 da ld

r'^\s+' : r'' ,

r'\s+$' : r'' ,


... for example.

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Hmmmm. .... so you are saying almost 80% of the unknown ages are in the narrative .....

That would be more of a scandal than you are making it out to be ... fraud

I wonder what else is in the “narrative” that is missing in the data???? Did you talk about that?

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500 v 215 Did you get an answer from Dr Rose?

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The Devil always resides in the evil detail. Thank you for drilling into this agony so attentively. There are many voices crying in the wilderness, each in their way, with their tune and nuance.

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