Albert, please tell me you have all the receipts saved offline.

God Bless

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Yup sure do

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Just don’t get Assange! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

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Scandal after scandal. This one is the manipulating data category. Here's my Top 10 Covid Scandals:


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Do you have a link to go directly to deleted reports filtered by covid19 or covid19-2 only?

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No sorry I don't , I think it might have to do with the shoe string way I set-up using free Tableau Public, then iframing into my site? I'd love to know what it takes to get links to work like it works in medalerts?

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I noticed that simply clicking on COVID-19 in the Vax Type Table further filters all of the data tables. So that is a quick way to do it. Thank you for creating this dashboard.

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Oh yes like that, I thought you meant a URL. I like dashboards.

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Thank you Gerry, I subbed the channel. I'm a fellow CPC.

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certified professional coder.

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...ur welcome Eagle and good for u...stay flyin high...have u seen this one?...theres a 36page pdf accessed through the IEEE link ...they're serious about this...i picked up some of the gist of it at a cursory look...Nexus Magazine had fairly recently done articles on this...New Dawn is another vg magazine and 21-Century Wire...(edit!) ...https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/covid-mrnas-are-nothing-more-than?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email ...

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Yes Dr. Ana is a friend, I have spot on my website where I iframe in a airtable where I keep my valuable links. It's a little discombobulated by it has a lot of potential and makes for quick copy/paste links for texts, comments, etc... The cool thing is anybody can add to it and is intended as a repository for nuggets of info. https://www.vaersaware.com/icosp, If you want to add to it, or create your own airtable so I can then link to yours that would be cool. Even Kirsch uses airtable and I've a couple links to his airtable...

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...sound Eagle!...i'll have a look one if these days thanks...a thought struck me earlier that its a good idea to pass on to u should u be unaware of a book...specifically the 2001 ed. of Vibrational Medicine author Richard Gerber (sadly rip) Bear & Company...chapter eleven Personal and Planetary evolution is really interesting in light of the current situation...u can pdf it...directly from Google...i entrust u with passing this info to Ana et al etc if thats alright with u Eagle?!...it could be important 'cause it also has a lot of references etc that impact on the spiritual element of this modern attack on humanity...he had deep insight!...

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