HHS is truly a huge agency with lots of responsibility. But is it 'bloated?' Not necessarily. This is a huge country with many problems and conditions that need to be met in order to protect the people: poor, working class and even middle class. Before I call an agency bloated I want to see the data, the numbers, the work and success of the agency. What I will call bloated is the military. Some years ago it was revealed they spent $50 on an ashtray for which most of us would pay $.25. Toilets were $hundreds when we would pay $50-75.00 Military bases around the world to protect corporate investments, not our security. The Afghan war? Remember UNICOL and its gas line that the Afghans did not want running thru their country. The US military was there to protect the gas line, not us the people. That was the war that cost the country more billions. The next bloated arena is all the money spent on drug research given to Big Pharma. Now that is a bloated cost as the people pay for the research but the Pharma corps get the patents and profit. That needs to be changed. Fauci was the highest paid govt worker in the country making about $450.000/yr, almost twice the salary of the president. Half of that came from the military. Why was he double dipping into our pockets! But agencies that are set up to care for the people's needs are not bloated and should only be reviewed for dysfunction which needs to be corrected.
People need to stop falling for the lies, propaganda that attack everything designed to help people's lives. Government is not a business for profit which is what Trump sees it as. I have run into this mentality for years--Trump didn't invent it. I had this argument with schools that wanted a Superintendent who was a business person or school board people who came from business. These are not businesses for profit. They are social institutions whose purpose is to meet the needs of the public, not those of private businesses. This alone makes Trump and Musk dangers to the public as they see us as excess baggage for whom they have no responsibility and only see us a commodities for profit. Bloatedness? yes, there is excess but the place to start is at the top and not the bottom. The rich do not deserve any more handouts. We owe them nothing for their business losses when they invest in other countries--think all the trade treaties that guarantee corporations profits if they lose money. What guarantee do you have if you open a restaurant and lose money? Will the government reimburse you?
This list of agencies under HHS simply shows that there were concerns for situations that affect the public, us, and the government saw responsibility for managing those problems. That is not bloatedness but a reflection of how complicated this country is.
It's bloated. I'm not exactly "peanut gallery" or some rando on Twitter-X, I've worked on the Medicare HMO side and physician side on medical. Auditor, Chargemaster, etc.. I think I've demonstrated how much one person can do. HHS is like the DOD when they say it takes millions and billions and trillions to run HHS. It's over staffed, over charged, over paid, and under reimburses physicians... It's fat like a big whale.
“Bloated” is an understatement. C’mon DOGE and Jr! Cut the fat.
Hopefully he is not going back to his liberal roots. This wasteful program restarted by HHS.
HHS is truly a huge agency with lots of responsibility. But is it 'bloated?' Not necessarily. This is a huge country with many problems and conditions that need to be met in order to protect the people: poor, working class and even middle class. Before I call an agency bloated I want to see the data, the numbers, the work and success of the agency. What I will call bloated is the military. Some years ago it was revealed they spent $50 on an ashtray for which most of us would pay $.25. Toilets were $hundreds when we would pay $50-75.00 Military bases around the world to protect corporate investments, not our security. The Afghan war? Remember UNICOL and its gas line that the Afghans did not want running thru their country. The US military was there to protect the gas line, not us the people. That was the war that cost the country more billions. The next bloated arena is all the money spent on drug research given to Big Pharma. Now that is a bloated cost as the people pay for the research but the Pharma corps get the patents and profit. That needs to be changed. Fauci was the highest paid govt worker in the country making about $450.000/yr, almost twice the salary of the president. Half of that came from the military. Why was he double dipping into our pockets! But agencies that are set up to care for the people's needs are not bloated and should only be reviewed for dysfunction which needs to be corrected.
People need to stop falling for the lies, propaganda that attack everything designed to help people's lives. Government is not a business for profit which is what Trump sees it as. I have run into this mentality for years--Trump didn't invent it. I had this argument with schools that wanted a Superintendent who was a business person or school board people who came from business. These are not businesses for profit. They are social institutions whose purpose is to meet the needs of the public, not those of private businesses. This alone makes Trump and Musk dangers to the public as they see us as excess baggage for whom they have no responsibility and only see us a commodities for profit. Bloatedness? yes, there is excess but the place to start is at the top and not the bottom. The rich do not deserve any more handouts. We owe them nothing for their business losses when they invest in other countries--think all the trade treaties that guarantee corporations profits if they lose money. What guarantee do you have if you open a restaurant and lose money? Will the government reimburse you?
This list of agencies under HHS simply shows that there were concerns for situations that affect the public, us, and the government saw responsibility for managing those problems. That is not bloatedness but a reflection of how complicated this country is.
It's bloated. I'm not exactly "peanut gallery" or some rando on Twitter-X, I've worked on the Medicare HMO side and physician side on medical. Auditor, Chargemaster, etc.. I think I've demonstrated how much one person can do. HHS is like the DOD when they say it takes millions and billions and trillions to run HHS. It's over staffed, over charged, over paid, and under reimburses physicians... It's fat like a big whale.