This criminal coverup is why the public was able to be duped for many decades that vaccines are ‘safe and effective’.

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Indeed. The tools of data pfudgery have been practiced by illusionists for years.

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Brilliant work. Thank you. Not many on the planet have the skill and knowledge that you have been uniquely given to shine a light on this. I can not imagine the work involved, but I certainly appreciate that it is the Great People like You our Dear Friend who were BORN for THIS. GOD Bless you.

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Amen! Thank you kindly.

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Yeah that's some great work. Sure seems like a crime to me.

I still have the 5 zip files from early 2021 (1-16 thru 2-19) if that is helpful, and you have an easy place for me to drop them off.

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Thanks David. I basically have a complete set of original weekly files I downloaded myself from Dec 2020 forward, but I've been thirsty for analyze the throttling pre-covid to put the current throttling job into context.

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That is a really interesting historical journey. How corrupt have they been, and for how long has it gone on? Its enough to make a guy vaccine hesitant.

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Yup me too, I even asked Dr. McCullough myself if he was aware that 65 OPV DEATH reports were deleted in 2009, and that's when deaths meant something! He didn't know...



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