Excellent. Yet, some analysts do not hesitate to make ‘final’ conclusions and provide various explanations - as if their logic accounted for everything. I wonder if we ever get true, complete data…

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In VAERS case no! They do not even publish all legit reports received. Ract19.org has a hanful of people with never published reports including Bri Dressen herself. Fired Ohio Nurse has 9 of 80 unique victim reports never published. Bobby Kennedy even said ~150K reports disappeared (never published) as of ~6/19/2021. The biggest cover was VSAFE w/ ~10M reports and never designed to crosswalk into VAERS.

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It seems like all our data R hosed!

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It's definitely being curated in my opinion, that's why it's imperative to model the data (ethical cleanse) data before presentation. They know most people can do only the old "dump&pump" routine. Download data and go straight to pivots and graphs... I try to show the before and after views and stay true to native data, but show the real data after untangling all the obfuscation.... God Bless

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And cleansing well done! But we don't get all the data. CDC is a joke. ...

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"Logic" only applies when you consider they're desperate to hide as many dead bodies as they can. When that's the goal, almost everything they're doing makes perfect sense.

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