Thank you, Welcome the Eagle. It means a lot to see your reports.

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I want to say on the record;

I usually LOVE everyone's comments here at the Eagle - but one of my two computers can no longer activate the "like" heart. And, yes, I know part of it has to do with SS.

My other computer is ok with the "like" heart, but is broken in other ways.

Eagle, this is astonishing work, and seems WAY too much for one person! I mean, even Noah had a wife and sons and daughter in laws.

Your latest is amazing in it's potential scope. May God bless this work and bring these millions of deaths into the light and to the attention of everyone in the world soon.

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Think you might also need some fledglings to help on this.🤔🤨 Any chance of some database nerds of cool to join the flock?😉📣📣📣

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Great work Albert. In your examples I see Deaths associated with drugs being pushed by Peter McCullough and his mates in "The Wellness Company" US$300 per person Big Pharma kits.

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Its not a bug, its a feature.

This gives me an idea. Maybe it is time to FOIA instructions given to the group ... for VAERS. What are the specific instruction manuals given to the contractors who manage the VAERS editing process? And list all changes to said manuals done in 2020 regarding processing the COVID19 vaccines. And list all emails discussing processing VAERS entries for COVID19 vaccines.

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Wow that's truly eagle eyed detail kudos to you.. can you audit the Pentagon next? <3

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