Breaking News: Full Unique VSAFE Reports Can Be And Viewed! Beta Part 2
Excellent improvements already made, and surely more to come...
Part 1: HERE
This is part 2 of VSAFE article ~#30 but whatever, today I wanted to examine the structure of these unique VSAFE reports and imagine what’s possible!
Aravind Mohanoor the brain child and creator of this unique individualized VSAFE REPORT deserves a lot of credit and I highly recommend my followers also follow him on this platform. Jump into his most recent article explaining the continued advancements here.:
The quick summary on our collaborative beta project is that I’m compiling about ~200K of the most interesting VSAFE Registrants so that these ID#s are also included in his report visualization tool. Due to resource constraints Aravind can only carry about 800K of the total 10 million VSAFE records. No worries that’s plenty enough for this beta project to demonstrate what’s possible. I will then create a little mini VSAFE Dashboard of just these Registrants as the beta. Maybe ICAN, Del, Kirsch, CHD or Bobby will pick up on what we are doing and come support us on something tangible, like a legit dashboard and true data visualization with transparency. Anyhow, let’s take a closer look at what these reports will look like…
Hopefully this project will force us to talk about the 172,000 adolescents or the ~2,300 DEAD so far identified in VSAFE. Everybody’s hair should be on fire over the 172K kids because that’s almost 4 times the amount of kids in VAERS! On a private zoom I had with Dr. Brian Hooker and a top CHD I.T. person I will not name, they say it’s “over 200K adolescents in VSAFE”. Frankly I don’t know what the hell CHD & ICAN is waiting for not calling this factoid out? Maybe they don’t want to rock the boat until after the HHS confirmation? I can only hope that’s the case, otherwise I might just be public enemy #1. Yikes!?
Report Structure:
The relationship field is one of the critical fields ICAN’s Dashboard and filters omit. Without this or another field called Survey Static ID you can’t see all dependents aka the kids over 3yrs of age…
Check-ins continued:
One of the important things I learned in this whole beta exercise it that “age at vax” is here! Previously I had skipped over this call center section based on the few reports I initially looked into. I was wondering how ICAN obtained the age categories? ICAN is still off the mark, and I’ll take that Pepsi Challenge any day. You ICAN, there’s 172K adolescents!
VAERSAWARE Summary & Conclusions:
As you see there is a lot of info to be gleaned by having a VSAFE report in this readable fashion. For deaths, as an example it might even be worth adding a custom field for date of death so we can populate and begin running analysis how many days had passed from last vax to death? Regardless, by having a interactive dashboard sitting on top and the ability to navigate through the data like a ninja, we can see the kinds of tools internal VSAFE and VAERS auditors are undoubtedly using…
If the 1986 Vaccine Injury Act was talking about transparent pharmacovigilance that was publicly displayed, then I believe this is what they were talking about before they could even visualize the system themselves back in the days of VisiCalc and Lotus 1-2-3? Maybe not so coincidently systems like VAERS have been petrified in time with hardly any advancements since it’s inception? Not making honest genuine advancements is also contrary to the intent of the 1986 ACT. The edicts of this ACT have been gutted, held hostage, pimped, and slapped around like a cheap Oakland hooker wanting a better life. Relinquish liability protection, and let’s stop being big pharma’s lap dog. Let’s be the hairs that bit the dog!! Come on Bobby, let’s do this! I’m Luke Skywalker with the grenade, send me over the Death Star’s poop shoot so we could blow it up! God Bless, -The Eagle.
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World’s best VSAFE Dashboard: