Sep 21, 2023·edited Feb 2Liked by WelcomeTheEagle88

Yes. This IS an extermination. And we've yet to see how many of the jabbed will be dead in the next few years. My own research shows that the vast majority of deaths from this type of attack do not happen right away. And they like it to take awhile, as it serves as an alibi. Much like a delayed incendiary device, the arsonist can establish that they were far away when the building burned down. So it is with the delayed deaths. Because the vast majority of them will occur years after the jabs, pharma will say it could not have been the jabs that killed them.

Buckle up. The dying is about to get MUCH worse. And it's going to look like a million different things. Most of them will look like heart attacks, cancers, and a host of various exotic immune disorders. And NONE of them will be attributed to the jabs.

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Agreed and the medical cabal will profit greatly off the suffering and slow kill by medications, devices, supplies, etc... It's murder for profit. Well intentioned doctors finding a niche "treating" without calling out the manufactured scam just adds to problem. They become apart of the flock that Pan leads down to the river...

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There are only a handful of doctors in the entire world that I would trust to take care of my cat.

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Oh, and I don't even own a cat;-)

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#CauseThenCure | #Gravy-Train | #Follow-The-Money

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/04c1303bcade

Also known as a humanitarian catastrophe, genocide, or democide:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/c23221be5889

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/396e589a1db2

Thanks for all your good work, WTE88 ~ I'll be adding the link for this *stunning* death count into my "Red Pill" library, too:

> BeyondC19.org

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Not quite their (initial intended total) of 7.5 billion dead yet that 'the tribe' are looking for through their Israeli government dictatorship WEF, but they will soon catch up and get back on schedule though unless people become more aware and more assertive physically.

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Nobody has ever, EVER stated 7.5 billion dead yet DIRECTLY FROM THE JAB... they talk about depopulation and some use that ref number... but this is a generational plan... so look up the Country fertility rates dropping like stones, look up the massive increase in the disabled (in kids) and how many MORE of them are now deemed sterile.

IN MY VIEW... our kids and Grandkids are going to have the worst of this...

PS We will see a rise every year of adverse reactions, people made disabled or killed... but when the older generations have gone like me...to see through this BS and advise our kids.. coupled with the indoctrination the kids are getting through TV and schooling... SAD DAYS for humanity.

PPS I doubt 7.5 billion killed; BUT THAT IS MY VIEW.

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I see the WEF objectives as entirely Jewish NWO objectives, and that the cheeky chutzpah WEF aims to 'reduce population' by 7.5 billion to 'save the planet' are perfectly in line with rabbinical aims to wipe out all Gentiles ultimately, but in the initial stages Klaus Schwab who has a Jewish mother says he intends for mainly just several hundred million Chinese and Japanese to be kept alive after all others have died to serve an 'elite' that can only be a Jewish elite.

The Zohar states ALL Gentiles in the entire world are to be killed, doubt that if you wish, it will not just be by means of bioweapons like COVID, or just by arranged and totally unneccessary wars of course.

I feature numerous videos on my own site of their rabbis saying all Gentiles in the world will be killed, and the rabbis visibly celebrate and gloat about this.

Don't forget that the Jewish inventor, Leo Szilard in the US invented and patented a weapon called the cobalt nuclear bomb in 1950, a dirty weapon that he said is capable of permanently exterminating all forms of life on the entire planet if 400 such devices (of the small size then available) are detonated, then consider the Samson Option and why Israel won't let anyone visit Dimona to inspect it properly, and why they refuse to sign any treaty on nuclear arms limitation.

The Jewish 'elite' are quite mad enough to do this and I think they do not actually fear this happening but actually rather look foward to it deliberately being made to happen in some perverse death cult sort of way like they despise us clinging on to life here as well which they know how to exploit and use to torture us all.

They communally possess occult means to maintain full consciousness out of their bodies by astral projection, something a vast propartion of Jews I have spoken with in the past have freely told me they are regularly able to do with complete ease, it is as simple for them as dreaming is to us, and they possess the means to exist fully consciously entirely independently of any human body even between lives here, and I think they have access to other dimensions in which they can dwell or 'incarnate' in simultaneously.

The Jewish-hijacked Freemasons (a very ancient cult that has actually existed for thousands of years and was not initially controlled by Jews) say that they are developing 'bodies of light' in which they intend to become effectively immortal (this may well involve alchemical use of vast quantities of gold, and the use of the CERN Hadron Collider), this is why they do not fear 'death' and why they do not care about destryoing the entire planet, but rather work steadfastly towards it.

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I think I disagree to some (?) level.. for 1. You talk about Jews, as opposed in my view - Zionists and the European scum Europeans "wannabe that suddenly called themselves Jews" ...

I do not think the "Free Masons" ; Illuminate or any of the secret societies "CLUB OF ROME ETC"; WOULD HAVE BEEN STUPID ENOUGH TO HAVE BEEN INFILTRATED by some bloke that looked "(generalisation here)" as the "Fiddler on the Roof".

Personally I have absolutely nothing against the normal Jew, Muslim, Christian, Hindu Buddhis, Sikh whatever .. I have met them all in my travels and am fascinated by the similarities and SMALL differences in our perception of life....

I think we have been programmed and we are being played. JUST MY VIEW.

As for "this is why they do not fear 'death"..... THIS IS WHERE YOU BLEW IT WITH ME. So I ask you this question....

WHEN did we as a species start to fear death ?...... when they started to decimate the Christian religion (amongst others) plus plus plus.

Just think about the last sentence ... AND NO - I am not stating this is correct; but it is my view only.

PS Because I has Cancer and and... I have made my peace, turned more spiritual (religious) and have no fear at all... and I think many are going through that with the adverse effects.

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Wow.. 😩😔🙏

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Where does that world population number of 8 billion always come from? Do they even know that number? How can they? Imo the jabs serve two purposes. One is the inventory of the world population, because they don't know at all how many we are. Klaus Schwab is so much into that "nobody is save until everybody...bla bla bla", just like Bill. They are number people, it's their obsession. Second purpose is to find the "right" doseage to ... let's say correct the numbers from the first finding. They are mad about the ressources running out. Owning nothing....means others owning everything.

There are more than two horses in the race and probably more than one race running.

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It's not only a genocide, but a planned and deliberate mass murder!!!! And THAT on the basis of lies, manipulation and fraud!!!

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This is murder. This is genocide. And as "Joy Lucette Garner" posted in the comment below this one, "This IS an extermination". Are there any safe places to go to? Hungary? Serbia? Camobodia? Thailand? I intend to leave the United States and am looking for safe places to travel. May just WWOOF (Willing Workers On Organic Farms) (wwoof.net) around South America, Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe. Feel free to email me at: bicycledays@yahoo.com if you have suggestions. God Bless you all and stay safe.

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Thanks for your persistence in explaining this. Mostly in life, people first get injured, and then they die. So not-updating, by-design, eliminates those "first-injured-later-dead" from the record. I'm thinking the URF - for deaths - is probably much higher, since - by design - none of the initially-injured-later-dead will ever get reported as dead. Especially if Lazarus had it at 100, and that was before the "no more updating" policy was put in place.

Just the anaphylaxis numbers are horribly under-reported. CDC had it at 2-5 per million, then the Mass General paper came out with about 1:3,300 and now it is maybe 1:1,000. So that's URF=200.

Deaths are almost certainly more under-reported than anaphylaxis, due to the not-updating policy.

So yeah. 88 is a very conservative URF number.

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Wait, wait, please. So you want to say that the actual status of your health - after filing the initial report - is not updated? Is the the essence of the so called pharmacovigilance?

But if your mechanic is working on your car, he will update the report sheet every few minutes with minute and precise information, right? And the mechanic does not have unlimited funding, complex software and top experts on his premises.

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