VaersAware Offers VSRF To File Alexis Lorenze's Report On Her Behalf!
Additional backup to Nurse Angela and VSRF bare minimum. Golden opportunity for possible legal action down the road.
Full video on VSRF Rumble (live Oct 3, 2024): HERE
Nurse Angela Wulbrecht released some very shocking details about Alexis case, it’s definitely worth listening to the whole story. I just clipped the 5 minutes pertaining to VAERS and my offer to help submit Alexis report and the golden opportunity this presents primarily because the hospital has not filed her report yet and asserts they are not “mandated” to file a report, nor do they believe the vaccines were the cause of this injury.
This is a golden opportunity for a potential legal case down the road!!??
This hospital is obligated to file a VAERS report!
I reached out to nurse Angela more than a week ago offering help and assistance to file a report. I know Angela is a pro and has even filed VAERS reports previously…
Nurse Angela, Kirsch, Livio and the rest of VSRF team are doing so much already, I just hope to be of some guidance and can grab the bull by the horns if needed.
Here is my helpful tips:
Submit the report before the hospital does, they may want to file their report after reading this Substack.
Hospital gets to frame the report any way they want, using any wording they want, like saying they don’t think the vaccines were associated to the events
Self reporting, we get to write as much as we want like putting the hospital on blast! State in the summary narrative how Alexis feels they treated her. Describe in first person how fast the symptoms came on in the hospital and all the gory details. Write the lot numbers and vaccines, gender, and age in the summary narrative along with vax dates in case they try to omit proper data fields. State in the VAERS report how this hospital without naming the hospital, how they said they are not “mandated” to file a VAERS report. Follow HIPAA guidelines, but in the summary narrative make the world know this Alexis Lorenze’s report!! Write in the report this case has been all over social media, and has received support and hate mail from all over the world. Write in the report Alexis has been in the hospital for a month and probably has another month of in-patient stay to go if all goes well. Write a darn book in the summary narrative section.
Video record the actual submission if possible.
a. Have the summary narrative ready to copy/paste into the VAERS system
along with all other information so you don’t get timed out.
b. Be prepared that VAERS will tamper with your summary narrative by
changing verbiage, omitting words and whole phrases like they did with mine!
Most importantly be sure to request the VAERS finalized ID# when it becomes available, they will not automatically send you the final ID# as many members have found out and are still trying to find their reports and/or get the reports published. Even Bri Dressen herself.
Formally request finalized ID# by emailing using your temporary ID# as your authentication tool so they know it’s you! Don’t give VAERS a loophole not to send you back the final ID#…
Here is mine:
Figure out a way to “sign” your report like I did so you can always query your report from the official system without remembering your ID#. Just in case VAERS does not send the final ID# you can query the system using a unique buzzword(s) like this:
God Bless Alexis, Nurse Angela and VSRF with this golden opportunity. We want to catch willful misconduct in the act, therefore I hope by being prepared like this we will catch VAERS not publishing the report. Catch VAERS publishing the report but manipulating the summary narrative or leaving off some critical diagnosis or framing the report as to not blame the vaccines. Catch VAERS deleting the report after publication.
Keep in mind the hospital has up to 6 weeks (42 days) to submit report and still be in compliance, even though nobody will be held to account if they are super late or do not file at all. VAERS has up to 42 days to publish report once claim is received. VAERS CAN NOT publish any other “duplicate” report that was received after the initial report, just in case the hospital now has a up their ass to file a report after this substack. Time stamps are everything, and I hope VAERS does something stupid so Aaron Siri or someone can file a lawsuit. Getting a report in right now is a golden opportunity to put the willful misconduct of the hospital on blast and possibly expose this whole VAERS system catching them in their nefarious acts of manipulating reports, not publishing reports or throttling reports like they did to Ernesto Ramirez, Brianne Dressen, and many others we know about. God Bless
-The Eagle
Please help Alexis:
Please help The Eagle:
Please sign Federal Investigation Petition:
PS: This is my actual VAERS submission back in May 2021:
Here is VAERS altering and manipulating my report!
May the Lord please heal this lady! The medical system is evil sometimes!