VaersAware is Amici Curiae Supporting Petitioner on The Newest Supreme Court Amicus Brief!
Special to Energetic Health Institute and Team Dr. Henry Ealy, Ernesto Ramirez Sr., Kim & Dennis my favorite Senators from Oregon, JB, Kelly, B-man, Keith W, Judge Nally, Martha, and bunch of others..
I’m proud to announce this amicus brief! From what I’m told not just any Counsel is a friend “amici curiae” of the Supreme Court. Enter our new friend David J. Schexnaydre. I’m not sure what all it takes to a “friend” of the Supreme Court, but I think one of the prerequisites is that an attorney has presented a case before the court previously. I guess that’s kind of special… Gracias David.
So there are three parts to this beautiful document:
Certificate of Service (1 page)
Certificate of Compliance (1 page)
Amicus Brief (23 pages)
It’s good to have these amicus brief examples because these briefs should be filed at every level as in county, state, federal, etc…
Look at me, as if I know what I’m saying? I don’t know much, but I know VAERS, and I now know that we the people need to file these amicus briefs to the courts, and let them know we think there is something foul going and we need a Grand Jury assembled to get to the bottom of it!
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Here is some people responsible for this like Senator Dennis Linthicum and Dr. Henry Ealy and Ernesto Ramirez, Sr & Jr in Dallas just a couple of days ago. Everybody on this stage had something to do with this brief. The Eagle was there in Spirit. Amen
Well, done! An amicus, at heart, is anyone who can bring *new* laws or facts to a court to help judges make better decisions. One need not be a lawyer or a PhD "expert" to be an amicus but, the US Supremes usually require an attorney to be a member of the US Supreme Court Bar, a relatively small group, to be able to present them an amicus brief which is w any useful information on a law case which **neither** the appellants nor defendants' attorneys have already briefed to the court. Judges can solicit amicus briefs such as one I was asked to present in writing and also in oral arguments as a then non-lawyer for a military appeals court or an amicus can submit a brief out of the blue or quasi-via a party's attorney. It's rare in appeal cases to get an amicus brief so it is a big deal. Most judges truly like to have an out of the blue neutral amicus to bring a killer new argument or new facts when judges are reviewing facts de novo.
Thank you!!