VAERS gets a nice facelift!
Finally the lowest level event "None of Above" gets recognized... sort of
Here is the desert before the main course:
Self explanatory right? The Official CDC’s version on the right. This is what MedAlerts used to look like.:
So what’s the big hub-bub, why is this slight change so important, at least in my eyes? Looks like Dr. Steven Rubin creator of MedAlerts went with the more uniformed terminology of calling “Not Serious” what it truly is which of course is “None of the Above” (NOA). What is NOA? Above? Above what? NOA is the default event level all reports will be pushed into when NO event level boxes are checked off or basically marked “Yes” like all the other event outcomes listed. The pro-vaccine sacred cow worshipping cult would look at this high level summary and say, “see how safe & effective and Not Serious the jabs are, the majority of VAERS reports land in the Not Serious bucket!”
Here is an example of a Not Serious NOA Death.:
Here is 48 that recovered from something, but then later died, not died then recovered!? That would be like Lazarus wouldn’t it?:
Here is 6,500 victims that were permanently disabled but then recovered?
By actually reading the reports you start to realize these victims basically didn’t RECOVER from a traumatic event like a heart attack or brain hemorrhage or a cardiac arrest, they survived! Their life has now been permanently altered in varying degrees. Some much more severe than others, but reading between the lines they are now permanent customers of big pharma with all the medications and blood thinners.
So if you go back up to the initial image and do some quick math you see that Medalerts dilutes what ever NOA’s that also have “recovered” into all the other goofy reports that have an arbitrary designation of recovered even though they might be dead or permanently injured. I will say Steven Rubin is a nice guy, I even had lunch with the man and he sends me an automated email every Friday when the new data has been uploaded. Many times the email comes with additional blurbs telling me Steven actually took a real minute to pass a real message like the one he did today. With this being said, I’m not sure why he wants to include this arbitrary report designation of “recovered” and literally making it a event level for all intents and purposes? Not only that but it shoots his “event outcomes” to 119% of the actual reports. CDC’s own sight is not even that high but high enough at 111%.
I’ve pretty much dedicated my vaersaware dashboard to showing the world how there’s at least ~100K SAE’s hiding in the lowest level bucket among other things. I believe it makes a material difference if people could see 20K more victims in the life threatening category and 40K more reports in the emergency bucket, etc… It definitely would make a huge difference in the official PRR Analysis! It’s not Rubin’s fault, he is just reporting those stats and that data element is in the downloadable files. Since “recovered” is arbitrary in this context why not show how many people are NOT recovered, and “U” or undetermined/unknown because that data is also in files. Somebody did submit a report and actively mark that box, NO I AM NOT RECOVERED!:
One last inadvertent card trick Rubin did and probably doesn’t even realize it yet, is that he inverted the two emergency room designations…:
It’s noteworthy to include the disclaimer blurbs about the asterisks, it has to do with the evolution of VAERS events over time and specifically in 2017 when they added event level “Birth Defect”, parsed or segregated Office Visit (OV) out of Emergency Room and gave OV it’s own event level. It’s not a big deal or a big oversight, and in the VaersAware dashboards I lump the both ER types together along with the two types of hospitalizations (prolonged). Here is now a better depiction of the truth…
In summary, I will say the world deserves the best! I will say I’m not here for popularity or to make friends or to co-sign on mediocrity. I’m not the best, but with the help of my friends like, The Hawk, Mr. X, Mr. Pink, Mr. Brown, Mr. White and Dr Rubin whom I consider a friend, vaersware is bringing you some of the most precise and clear VAERS data around. I’ll go eyeball to eyeball with anybody on VAERS, and I will tell it to Rubin, to Liz Wilner, to Dr. Rose, to Steve Kirsch to my own children, don’t just do a job do it well. People appreciate it and people also know when you are just mailing it in. My old football coach over at the Santa Clara Lions in Pop Warner once told me something I’ll never forget! Craig Connelly said, “you can’t just throw your cleats, shoulder pads and jock strap onto the field and expect your gear to do the work!” We went undefeated that year! God Bless. Please consider a paid subscription to help keep the Eagle flying! Rev 8:13