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Assumptions 1-4 are not assumptions but facts. Starting at assumption #5 there is technically a total of 74 Filipino Janssen lots however many are truncated, meaning lot number was published as “C21A” or “A21A” as an example. These lots could not be determined if the vax data or other reasonable factors did not align.
The Puerto Rican lot which the CDC confirmed has 98,000 doses shipped per ICAN but does not have doses administered details. The Philippines does not have lot shipped or doses info.
I looked at everything about these two Filipino Janssen lots starting with their expiration dates and the vaccination dates. Another valuable detail is that most Filipinos were vaxxed with these two hot lots in July & Aug 2021 as demonstrated below.:
Assumption #7 - I applied a very reasonable 80% lot usage rate. I considered that even the Janssen shipped to administered ratio to all of USA per ICAN was ~60%. The spoilage and administration error rates seem to be greater with these unicorn jabs? From flimsy syringes, to multi colored tops and flavors to strict refrigeration requirements. It’s my opinion that 80% might even be to favorable.
I believe I’m analyzing a very reasonable lot size of 140K to 500K dose lot size, the low and high ends in my opinion. I do believe that 213C21A probably was a slightly larger lot size than 212C21A, and it’s entirely possible lot 212C21A is the more toxic lot given full disclosure. If these lots were on the smaller side or anything under ~200K then these would definitely compete for the most toxic lot in the VAERS universe. As it is already, this already shows finger prints of evil doing.
Another evil fact, the Puerto Rican were poisoned with their hot lot in Jan & Feb 2021 and the majority of deaths happened by April. Somewhere in the higher echelons of the pharma cabal they must have known about Puerto Rico before they rolled out the poison to the Philippines. God HELP US.
God Bless. Please support the Eagle and SuperSally. Spread the word.
Super Sally publish this article yesterday:
Ps: You won’t find any of this data in the OpenVAERS lot look-up feature except spartan info on the Moderna lot.
2021-22-23 I have constantly warned in the online filipin news that the pandemic is not real, the vaccine is killing people and the effects are the opposite of what they say. The biggest scam in the world.
I am very happy for the awakening team of doctors and scientists, journalists. Thank you Sally!
My lovely family and best friends are filipino :)
Eagle, I need to speak with you urgently, please!
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