So what about these VAERS ID#s that have never been published?
32,688 ID#'s never published during the covid era
In a recent, but now since deleted article, Gary Hawkins put out an analysis about missing or never published reports. It had been since Aug 2023 that I had not updated my Unpublished Reports Dashboard so I decided to try and use Gary’s list. Let’s just say it didn’t work out, and took me extra time to figure out the exact stats….
As you can see Gary was close, but no cigar. This article isn’t about Gary, but he is licking his wounds, deleted my comment, deleted his article and who knows if he’ll return with a proper list… However, has the proper dashboard. I hope he does come back with a proper downloadable list on his If not and if a analyst wants the list, just reach out to me and I’ll make sure you get the data.
Mr. Hawk has a very unique selective perception, so for that I’m putting this dirty laundry out here. Think what you want of him or I, I just want other people in our circle to not get a one sided story, again. This biblical scam, this spiritual warfare is crazy for sure. There is a lot of in-fighting, arm wrestling, finger pointing, controlled ops, good people caught in bad situations, and low people in high places, etc…
Iron sharpening iron isn’t always easy.
I once had a football coach when I was 15yrs old scream at me while I was flat on my back after just getting run over by our best running back in practice. He said, “Benavides, you come strong or you don’t come at all!” I was so pissed-off after that I eventually became a starting WR/CB both ways and we went undefeated 85’. Santa Clara Lions baby! Ever since then I’ve been a bit of a hard ass.
There is much philosophy and minutiae that goes into finalized ID#’s. I believe that each number should be treated as a valuable gold ticket. Every ID# should be accounted for. If VAERS needs to delete a report ID# after publication so be it, at least the world has seen it and knows what it was. It’s recorded in and or with even someone like Gary Hawkins. When VAERS arbitrarily skips publishing ID#’s it begs serious fundamental questions about system integrity. We already know about many people who have submitted reports but have not had their report published. I personally know of the group of folks which never had their reports published. A Ohio nurse has nine different people she has not received final ID#’s for. In total this Ohio nurse had submitted about ~80 reports on victims behalf and 9 are missing in action, never published.
VAERS does not automatically email you a finalized ID# when your report becomes final usually a few weeks later. The VAERS guidelines say they have 4-6 weeks to adjudicate reports before publication, which is a bunch of bullshit as I’ve spent three years proving. The fine point here, if you do want your final ID# divulged to you, a formal email request must be sent to Somewhere after the 2nd or 3rd year they finally changed their cheesy catch all email address to
Here’s the shimmy-sham folks! The CDC knows which reports has eyeballs on them and which do not. Somewhere in the system they know before publication, which reports (ID#s) will need to be sent back to the original submitter.
The original submitters request for a finalized ID# upon completion is authenticated by the submitter using his/her temporary ID# as the authenticating key, that means I am who I say I am and I want my finalized ID#.
There is so much more detail and minutiae, I will not bore you here but it is very important when we get in front of the judge and blow VAERS apart. Anybody worth their salt who knows anything about VAERS, knows The Eagle should be at the attorney’s table. I’m tired of all these VAERS wallflowers at all the weekend grab ass feel good conferences. I’m your huckleberry.
Here a starting visual I like of just deleted and unpublished reports by ID# in blocks of 50,000 reports per histo-bar…
What’s more, there is a two humongous blocks of unbroken sequence of ID#s that have never been published like ID# 948522 thru ID# 949392. This block has never been published! That’s 870 reports in row that are M.I.A.
Hawk, sorry if I hurt your feelings. Keep fighting. God Bless
Support The Eagle!
Oh and BTW there are more like ~93K ID# never published since 1990, except deleted and unpublished reports are very sketchy before 2003 because didn’t come into creation until 2003-2004, so unpublished reports up to this time could have been published then deleted, as opposed to have never been published at all.
Keep up the good work! True fighter!