Siri/ICAN Polio Petition - Does it go far enough? VaersAware open letter to Del & Aaron & Bobby...
Please go after all polio "vaccines"....
Aired December 19, 2024:
The Facts:
CHD’s Brenda Baletti’s article about the issue HERE, but here’s the gist:
In an op-ed published in The Wall Street Journal, Aaron Siri said a recent New York Times report mischaracterized three narrow petitions his firm filed with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The petitions raised concerns about specific versions of three different vaccines, including one polio vaccine.
Contrary to the Times headline, “Kennedy’s Lawyer Has Asked the F.D.A. to Revoke Approval of the Polio Vaccine,” the petitions did not ask the FDA to revoke the polio or any other vaccine.
The Times also wrongly implied that Siri filed the petitions on behalf of Kennedy.
“The attempts to stoke fear are based on legal work I did for a different client, which I never discussed with Mr. Kennedy,” Siri wrote.
Although Siri said he has worked for Kennedy, including representing Kennedy’s presidential campaign, he filed the FDA petitions on behalf of another client — Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN).
Siri explained that one of the petitions he filed on behalf of ICAN related to IPOL, one of six polio-containing vaccines currently licensed by the FDA. The drug protects people from severe symptoms but does not stop transmission.
Open Letter:
ICAN (Del & Aaron),
God Bless you but I don’t think this petition goes far enough! The polio vaccine in all it’s flavors has killed and maimed ten of thousands. VAERS for all it’s strengths and manufactured weaknesses, makes it difficult to get anything approaching a honest accounting of injury. I will assume you know VAERS does not publish all legitimate reports received as stated by RFKjr HERE. Beyond the under reporting to VAERS and beyond VAERS not publishing to the world, we also have deletions of legitimate reports after publication. Deleting legitimate VAERS reports after publication is a very nefarious way of memory holing the cumulative carnage. For the record VAERS has deleted (after publication) 44,592 (1,644 death reports) since the inception of offers the world’s only deep data visualization through a interactive dashboard focusing on just the deleted reports HERE.
Here is the thing about polio vaccines in VAERS, a polio jab is associated with 2,832 deaths in VAERS, proof HERE. Because of co-mingling vax types, it’s a bit difficult to quantify but there are ~11K death reports excluding Covid-19 jabs this query:
The rough math is showing at least 25% of all non covid deaths in VAERS are associated with a polio vaccine. The stats might have been a few points higher if not for all the deleted polio reports.:
What’s crazy about these deleted polio death jabs is that over half were deleted on one single VAERS update back on December 8, 2009.
Video explanation I presented about these 65 OPV death deletions here:
Slightly irrelevant, but I ask Dr. McCullough myself if he was aware of these deletions on Dec 8, 2009, in which Dr. Steven Rubin told me he calls it “the great purge of 2009”.
God Bless Peter, but he didn’t know about the mass purge of Dec 8, 2009. Peter knew about “instabilities” of the VAERS system but we all know that, I’m being really specific. I think we can confirm Peter knows now.
Lastly, when you factor in the throttling aka the purposeful delay in publication with deleting legitimate reports you in effect are stealing candy from the baby…
Check out this carnival trick, and it happens to be the very last deleted polio DEATH:
Many things reek in this VAERS system, but when we talk about polio vaccines, it’s exquisite stench, it’s collusion, it’s fraud, it’s willful misconduct, it’s nefarious, it’s RICO!
We get into the tens of thousands when we bring in Permanent Disabilities and all the other serious adverse events and effects. Bobby can’t come soon enough. God Bless
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Need help finding your VAERS report?
Please sign Federal Investigation Petition:
Powerful stuff as ever! Indeed, whilst MSM slurred ICANS actions, VAERS does reek and so do ALL Polio Jabs, especially when its now obvious that no such Vaccinatable Virus as claimed "Polio" cause, can even be proven to exist, when the real culprit was clearly DDT and similar toxins. So what the hell are we injecting people with, to protect against a LIE? All Polio shots should be BANNED but that goes for ALL VACCINES, as they are ALL A LIE based on COVER STORIES for the real culprits. There are NO VIRUSES and even the Bacterial Vaccines, are wrongly targeting bacteria, that are not the causes but the responders to damages of other agents. Or so it would seem. Happy Solstice to the Eagle and one and all :)
Vaccines are poisons: