Samoa! Samoa! Samoa! Why is VAERS CDC Trying To Hide What Happened In Samoa?
Was something more nefarious going on in Samoa with the vax rollout?
I recently brought up this nefarious act of deleting a legitimate report from the VAERS system but I didn’t explain any of back story too much.:
This Senate panel hearing vetting RFKjr are making sound like Bobby went to Samoa after these deaths and created vaccine hesitancy amongst the population?
Technically, these kids died because of a administration error in vaccine preparation? That’s the official narrative but is that what really happened? No possibility that the MMR vaccine is just dog shit? No possibility that a hot lot was sent to Samoa? No possibility that some kind of experiment was going on without the knowledge or consent?
I wonder, I wonder, I wonder…
Stay tuned because I’m definitely preparing to speak to Liz Gunn of New Zealand about it. Just so we are on the same page, Samoa falls under the “jurisdiction” of New Zealand and it’s pharmacovigilance system known as MEDSAFE.
Stay Tuned because more will be revealed!!! God Bless
BTW- This DELETED death report had every reason to be in the VAERS system as it was serious & unexpected AND because it was an administration error which by definition and obligation is suppose to be reported to VAERS. Deleting the report after publication is straight up nefarious if not fake/false or a duplicate. This VAERS expert will tell you here and know, deleting this report was/is nefarious!!
I'm no genius ,but I do notice things .Here in NZ during that measles outbreak here and Samoa and I think Tonga and Fiji (?) as well , there was a hell of a lot of freaking out going on , Radio NZ was hyping it up ,the talk shows comments were about " Irresponsible parents not vaccinating their children against measles" , ( Same rhetoric in Aussie )
The guilt trip was real. We couldn't understand why they were making out that measles kills people. It was unheard of when we were kids. But people were dying . Then we heard about 'tainted ' vaccines. Then all of a sudden it all disappeared like overnight .It was forgotten. Then I saw your post and it all came back. What I would like to ask all the really intelligent people here is ,is it possible that 'The powers that be ' were conducting a beta test on the unsuspecting people of Samoa? were they lacing the jabs with mrna and taking notes? not to mention the psych test with the hype on the populations reaction ?
And even more bizzare is that the news here in NZ is saying that RFK jr is a very , very dangerous man ,according to a " leading vaccinologist " .I mean ,its USA politics why should leading Vaccinologists here be scared ?(I think its good they are scared ,but hey ,I would lol).
thanks for reminding me of all this !
Can't people realize that any answer or recommendation from a 50 billion in FRAUD fines/ Big Pharma' may be FRAUDULENT? Would you buy a used car from big pharma? Is it the Godless dumb-down "education" to blame? Inquiring minds [that can think] want to know!