P16 New Zealand Data - How MOH and Pfizer Obfuscate and throttle Reports
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Before we begin I want to clarify what “Foreign” reports are supposed to be crosswalked into VAERS and by who as defined by VAERS guidelines at: https://wonder.cdc.gov/wonder/help/vaers.html :
The key here is “BOTH serious & unexpected” and also only via the manufacturer. To be clear for New Zealand, the MOH does NOT directly send reports over to VAERS. As for serious & unexpected and since nobody in the world has seen any product labeling inserts the word “unexpected” is very ambiguous at best. Serious is ambiguous by definition! Would you call chest pain as serious? In my opinion chest pain is probably pre-clinical carditis in most cases but the public will never know because only initial reports are published even though VAERS continues to capture follow-up data. Here is the receipts, see #1 and #4:
So who determines what “serious” is? There is no voluntary question about seriousness in the submission process, although it is asked if the victim has recovered?
Notice how goofy inadvertent or even intentional obfuscation is allowed to pass through unabated into the public VAERS. I chose Novavax with a Pfizer lot#, there is no pick list based on manufacturer, so lot#’s need to be manually typed in. You can actually type up to 75 characters and or special characters or spaces, isn’t that ridiculous? Ok I digress, the word “serious” in this context is interchangeably used by CDC’s own definition as SEVERE, as in Severe Adverse Event, as opposed to anything else like maybe a secret master list of symptoms. Please don’t let any of these p-value wielding computational biologists suggest anything else. Here is the receipts and the money shots:
Basically anything above Emergency is serious or severe by CDC’s definition, and the adverse event is selected by the submitter for better or worse. I cynically say don’t worry because VAERS does a good job down-coding reports after publication like knocking a death down to the next lowest level and sometimes down to “None of Above” aka safe and effective. When VAERS does the public a solid and properly up-codes to a death it usually takes them over a year to do it and sometimes more than two years and nine months! In a matter of fact VAERS still has about ~40 more dead people to find and properly up-code them to death! Here’s the proof: https://www.vaersaware.com/uncounted-deaths
Sorry to digress so much from the New Zealand data but it does beg the question, why did NZ’s last huge dump into VAERS (2835 reports) on December 1st contain so many “None of Above (NOA)”? NOA is the lowest level, lower than office visits and always considered by pro vaxx zealots as safe and effective. Even by CDC manufactured definitions NOA’s, office visits, emergencies are all considered not serious. Clearly these evil clowns are concealing SAE’s in these not serious buckets, no argument can be made about that. Surely your average dump & pumper computational biologist or even sql, or python, or “R” person doesn’t stand a chance at getting a genuine look at the data without some ethical data cleansing. Data cleansing’s purest definition can be called data modeling, but you can imagine what all that might take to clean up truncated lot numbers, populate missing age fields when age is properly documented in the narrative write-up and upcoding cardiac arrests and deaths from none of above or office visit buckets and into life threatening and death buckets.
Now some Interesting New Zealand Observations:
Special thank to Cathy for alerting me to the fact peoples from Cook Islands, Tonga, Nuie, Figi, Tokelau, and Samoa are also considered NZ Citizens. With that bit of knowledge I found some more AEFI’s hiding in other countries I was not expecting? The countries mentioned plus a few other outliers? It does seem like other countries have their own AEFI numbering system, but they don’t seem to include that number on their reports?
I found only two goofy reports from India and France that I will eventually get out of this NZ dashboard, but I just wanted to document once here on Substack and in video before I do.
In the France example, these are two different people because it’s a French lady and a 69yr old male from NZ with very different symptoms and outcomes. It is strikingly curious that they were both submitted to VAERS and published at the exact same time? I wonder if it has anything to with the Pfizer mother ship?
In the India example, the AEFI exists on New Zealand’s Medsafe AEFI list, but their report is not published in VAERS. However, this India lady looks almost identical to the NZ lady? The age (33yrs) fits, the symptoms are almost a exact match, the submission to VAERS is within a reasonable window. I don’t know IN & NZ seems like it might be a reasonable fat finger typo from the Pfizer mother ship?
Let’s pay homage to the one death victim from the Cook Islands, there was additionally 8 hospitalizations, 1 life threatening, 1 ER, a couple OV’s and a NOA. With a population of about ~15,000 on island residents these are some sad numbers and not even counting what MOH, Pfizer, and VAERS are sitting on, plus the stuff that never gets reported at all:
Have I told you these are doggie doo-doo depopulation bioweapons and the MOHs sucks? I know, I know, but have I told you today? MOH you suck! The millstone around your neck and pitched into the ocean is what God said he will do to you, you better repent quickly before it’s to late. More deep dives coming just wanted to get the Kiwis warmed up and righteously angry. God Bless. Please support The Eagle! Pretty please.
I’m going on The Medical Rebel Dr. Lee Merritt in about an hour to talk VAERS and New Zealand. Should be enlightening, I’m ready.
THANK YOU !!!!!!!
Another good post on the horrible issue. Thanks Albert.