P11 New Zealand Data-WTE88 Makes Plea To Liz Gunn! More Data Elements Please!
Where is the lot#'s & Did Dr. Shiva just plagiarize my work?
WelcomeTheEagle’s plea to Ms. Liz Gunn for more info! Primarily the lot#’s, gender, Summary narrative, everything that VAERS would have published. My plea is in last ~5min of this 18min clip.:
If I were Barry The Whistleblower and I was getting the 7 years for exposing this fraud perpetrated on the Kiwis and humanity, I would sure want as much info out as possible, but still protect PHI (Patient Health Information). All data elements within VAERS is a good example of data that still does not breach patient confidentiality or HIPAA. I would not want to do 7 years in jail if all that can be done is Steve Kirsch’s time cohort study. Please Liz Gunn, Please Dr. Shiva, and please mystery man X, surely more data exists! Barry, tell your boy I don’t want actual birth dates, just actual ages and lot#’s. Nothing more than what VAERS would have publish. God Bless. Now let’s lets get to Kim & Shiva….
Dr. Shiva’s corresponding YT video:
What’s absolutely amazing about Dr. Shiva’s presentation, is that he used several of my slides from my dashboard to show death by vax date, death by batch, and date of death. Hay I don’t mind, but give me credit and don’t pawn it off as your work or even the work of Principa-scientic.com.
Yikes! I generally like like Dr. Shiva, I mean I really like the man, he’s got balls and he’s been wronged by the establishment, I guess he’s not in the inner circle. Don’t get me wrong either I also like Bobby, and Stevie generally speaking. Shiva even cracks me up when he calls Bobby, Boobie Kennedy. I’m only human, what can I say. But Yo Dr. Shiva, please put in your own work! You are referencing Principia Scientific, but they are referencing my work. That’s hilarious! All the data Dr. Shiva is using to quantify the data, like how many rows of data, deaths, unique MRN ID#’s, first vaxx, last death date is basically an exact regurgitation my data scorecard I presented in Part 6 article published Dec 5.:
At least Shiva is reaffirming The dashboard is on point.
Oh brother, the plot thickens. Kirsch 1 - Shiva 0
God Bless! Support the Eagle
Update Dec 10 6:25pm PST:
Thank you Dr. Shiva, appreciate it.
My sense is that Steve is erring on the side of caution. He doesn't want to be responsible if Barry goes to jail for 7 years. I agree it would be great to have correct ages and actual lot numbers, but perhaps some lots (or sites) had a small number of injectees, and it might be real easy to identify individuals in those groups just from age, lot number, and "vaccinator." Just a thought.
Cumulative Covid19 Death data could be compared with Jabbee cumulative Deaths over time.