Kevin McKernan / David Speicher's Adulterated Lots Analysis Not As Tight As Is Could Be? Part6
Circling back to Lot# FL0007 (part 4)
Previously in part 4 I said there were at least 1,920 reports when the official Simpleton dump & pump showed 1,793 reports. Gary Hawkins came in next with 1,953 reports and a pretty good explanation if you can wade through his ADHD.
Since these adulterated vaccines are a pretty big deal and getting a lot of attention, I’ve been using the attention to shine a light on the VAERS system. I will apologize in advance if my work is coming at the expense of others. If you all knew how long I’ve been screaming about data obfuscation in VAERS, I think you would understand. Iron sharpens iron. All the top notch people in the VAERS community know about the data obfuscation and seem to accept it? Well I don’t accept it and I’ve been doing something about in my own way, in the hopes that a) we could collectively work towards a better VAERS pharmacovigilance tool and bring it market (free somehow) or b) somebody else or some other team can come in and do it better than me.
I’m going to use McKernan’s lot# FL0007 to visualize what Gary the “Hawk” is trying to say.
Dang I’m close to Hawk with 1,952… he must of found the extra lot number is some other field like Diagnostic Lab Data, Preexisting Conditions, etc. Beyond the regular fat finger typos and transcription errors like “2” to “Z” and “0” to “O”, there also exists inadvertent or well planned obfuscation like UNK Vax Type, wrong manufacturer, and vax name like Dengue when the submitter meant to select Covid which is a half centimeter away on menu pick list? Great, let’s see what it looks like officially:
This query is good to see how any lot that contains “FL0007” is distributed over the various vaccine types, but of course it’s not catching some of the other real world typos like FL-0007, FLOOO7, FI0007, FIOOO7, FL007, or even SL0007. A lot number like SL0007 with 3 reports, requires additional dynamic checks such as, is it on the master lot expiration list? when and where was it administered, etc., etc. Please note this query also brought in additional line items even though they were not Covid Jabs, hence the reason the calculations presented now do not add to 1,887 count. I simply shaved those off to make a pretty meme.
Now let me give you some next level examples:
Wow! This report goes down in history as a presumably single dose child, not fully vaccinated. The narrative reads, it was the 2nd dose (FL0007) given on 12/18 and six days later child developed MIS-C. Yikes! I wonder how many more reports there are like this in VAERS? I wonder how much these reports throw off those snappy and beautiful Jessica Rose reports? oooof
Wholly mackerel, this one is a monster, but the point is FL0007 is in the history/narrative and it’s also comingled with Moderna. Why can’t VAERS do a better job to ethically and properly add the extra line item? Instead they spend no time rigorously authenticating and finalize report on the same day it was received. I wonder how many more reports there are like this in VAERS? I wonder how much these reports throw off those snappy and beautiful Jessica Rose reports? oooof
Here is the Dengue fat finger error which this time was only a simple admin error, vaccinators are obligated to report. The HCP vaccinator submitted this report not the victim, I’m 99.9999% sure. Why couldn’t VAERS ethically clean this up? They instead finalized and punted off in four days. Here’s a fun fact, since only initial reports are published, if and when this victim gets a blood clot we won’t be told about it, even though VAERS continues to capture follow-up data!!! You get pinged with a text or email asking if you are still alive, getting better or getting worse at 90, 180, and 365 days, it’s not just a VSAFE thing. I wonder how many more reports there are like this in VAERS? I wonder how much these reports throw off those snappy and beautiful Jessica Rose reports? oooof
Bottom line FL0007 reports went from 1,809 to ~1,952 or ~9% more reports.
Study blurb #1 & #4 especially about “only initial report”:
For grizzled VAERS veterans you’ll notice with blurb# 4 the Harvard Pilgrim Study aka the Lazarus Report was published in late 2010 and up to that point VAERS was appending follow-up data to the “initial report”. The Lazarus Reports folks DID NOT content with this huge paradigm shift bullshit of “only initial reports” are published. It begs the question, how many victims in VAERS are actually now since dead? I have a article with the proof, but I’m to lazy to dig it up now, but I’d love to take the witness stand and drive my dashboard and just shows the jurors the proof live.
Food For Thought
This is a very truncated list and there is actually more than 59K unique lot#s just for Covid19 jabs. I think there is a least ~8K manufacturer/lot mismatches alone. You have now seen where report line items are summarized and only a single line item is captured, yet the multiple doses are documented in the summary narrative. If in the perfect world we could unbundle these summarized line items, how many extra line items would that be and how much world that increase the count? Are we talking about dose units or dose series? That’s a huge difference because currently somebody with a single line and one (1) unit of Bivalent Covid19-2 vax type is technically on their 3rd dose, minimum. Medalerts and CDC’s WONDER system is doing a simplistic “count” as I’ve figured out and there is a ton of people classified as a 1 dose victim when they are technically a multi-dose victim.
The pink section of the meme represents over 575,000 “doses” not line items. It would be pretty easy to figure out how many line items this covers. I’m guesstimating at the moment, but I think we can add ~50K line items that do not even exist, like the examples shown above. Adding the line items generally speaking will not increase the “count” that much? However, it will increase enough to make a material difference if it’s already popping and I was just looking at one average size lot#.
I’ve already beat down 59K unique lots down to 35K, with some ongoing work the cleaning could get unique lots down to ~30K? What I’m talking about now is going after the hidden lots# buried in summary narrative but not accounted for as a line item.
I should probably mention there were a bunch of line items where the lot# was entered as lot#1/lot#2, meaning the submitter put 1 unit but entered two lot numbers separated by a forward slash as an example. In my system I’d just slash off the 2nd part because it was the easiest thing for my macros to do. That’s really not a very good reason is it? I’ll go back and clean that up, it’s not hard just tedious. Well that’s enough for now, it’s bed time for Bonzo. Please support The Eagle. I’m still learning to live with less, but oh well. I’m not going to let these bastards get away with it!! I’m referring to the cabal, not Kevin and his team. Did I tell you I have the best Toxic lot# look-up tool? God Bless.