Hey! Where are 91,211 VAERS ID#'s that have never been published?
How many dead people could be behind these unpublished reports? At least ONE I know of...
Right off the bat, I apologize for the headline grabber but it’s true because that is considering all time and for all of VAERS. Let me peel the onion and walk you down to the brass tacks.
Here is all the ID#’s in the VAERS universe by blocks of 50,000 ID#’s:
Since it doesn’t all fit, I had to break the image in two so you can see the complete range. A couple things to notice is report #1 in VAERS is actually ID# 25001 and the very last or newest report is ID# 2666063. The very first report in VAERS is a good one to take a look at because it helps explain what might have happened to the big gap of UNPUBLISHED REPORTS in the 100K-150K ID# range and some of the other unpublished reports from 10-20 years ago.
“Already in VAERS on 12/31/2003 means Medalerts.org didn’t start capturing and compiling the historical information until essentially the start of 2004. So anything the may have been published and/or deleted from 1990 until end of 2003 is now considered forever unknown. The other factoid to keep in mind is that VAERS didn’t always do a weekly update (drop), weekly drops are basically a new routine started for the Covid era.
You can see Medalerts timestamps show that from 2003 to 2009 files were being pulled down annually? I spoke to Dr. Steven Rubin creator of Medalerts, had lunch with him when he lived in Silicon Valley and he told me he wasn’t as religious about pulling down files each and every time they were available early on in the Medalerts creation story. Steven is a very smart dude, here is his backstory and bio HERE, but I want to fast forward and just sniff around the reports during the “Covid” era… like this:
As of now ID# 902418 is technically the 1st VAERS Covid-19 report, but in VAERS shifty ways, VAERS ID# 896636 was the first report but has now been deleted! It didn’t fit the narrative I guess but don’t worry, myself and react19.org know who it is, it was a trial patient from South Carolina. Still no valid reason to have deleted this report.
Did I tell you I got VAERS by short and curlies? Ok let’s get back on track, now we are talking about 30,175 unpublished ID#’s. 31,214 of those deleted reports are covid reports, the rest is everything else.
You can understand the new batch of weekly reports isn’t just appended to the end of the line of ID#’s, but really any ID# coming out “new” with a ID# under 2500000 will stick out like a sore thumb. Here is an example of how I see ID#’s drop every week, like back on 12/17/2021 when VAERS was still giving us about 20K new reports every week…
Those first 5 reports were pretty old and this was one of the last weeks before they changed their modus operandi and earmarking ID#’s to newly submitted reports? They are now basically issuing old reports new ID#’s these days, but it seems like early on they weren’t practicing this new technique which is why I pulled out this example from December 2021 as the example of slipping in old ID#’s and calling it a “new” report. The casual observer would really see the con game going on if the 1,200 reports they just published Friday Aug 11, 2023, but was submitted to VAERS in 2021 had a finalized ID# that correlates to the received date. These 1,200 reports should have all had a ID number smaller than ~1900000 and more like ~1400000 or like the ones I’m showing you now. A thinly veiled scam, I don’t know why I’m the only one talking about it.
Anyhow the brass tacks is this, there are 30,000 unpublished ID#, I’d be surprised if even 5,000 of this exact inventory eventually get published now or in the distant future.
I said I caught VAERS riding dirty and capture one VAERS ID# that was available in the downloadable files but never officially published! We got the info together and sent it to ICAN/Aaron Siri. Siri recognized the importance and filed a FOIA on ID# 1887456
The short story, after Siri was told “search failed to reveal any documents on ID# 1887456”, my other FOIA expert friend took a crack and hit a home run!!! Here it is and the dossier and video can be downloaded HERE.
The smoking gun! You see that!! Pollyanna Stewart from Alaskan.gov is telling John Su among other people that the dead Alaskan baby is NOT from Alaska but from Georgia (zip code: 30081). Gee not to far from CDC headquarters in fact.
For everything I’ve done with VAERS to this point, this is lightening in a bottle I caught that day when I found this child, vaeranalysis.info helped talk me off the ledge and prep/secure the info that needed to be compiled and sent it in to ICAN. The rest is history and it took a team and a clutch home run by my FOIA expert we all close to the fire know well. I still believe this little two year old from Smyrna will save us all one day! On a level playing field I have VAERS pinned on the mat. God Bless. Support The Eagle!
I'll take Under the Rug, for $1000