Dr. Wolf, O'Shea and the new FreeNow Foundation bring San Jose the receipts!

Pfizer documents dump, Alix Mayer origins, FreeNow, and more!

Full Rumble replay HERE.

It was a great evening in San Jose last night! One of those prefect Saturday California sun shining days in the low 90’s and a church full of America loving freedom fighters! This was a kind of rare seminal night in this global fight and in so many ways if you are in the know, read the tea leaves and chicken bones and read your bible like I do.

First our Pastor Mike McClure was in the audience which is rare when considering all these big events are on a Saturday night and Pastor Mike has to make a quick turn around for two Sunday sermons. This is one of the first Saturday night events I’ve seen him in attendance.

Second was Alix Mayer’s presentation and her introduction of the new FreeNow Foundation. Alix started off with a very personal story about being adopted into the Oscar Mayer family and how she found out about it. So many nuggets of personal info like her biological last name is Robinson, she grew up in a small town outside Chicago, and she was baptized recently at this very same church (Calvary San Jose)! It was all so touching as I knew my gorgeous friend and “date” for the night Ms. Shasta was there to witness Alix’s baptism. Speaking of beautiful ladies there was Ms. Denise Young, Ms. Cristie, and Ms. Laurie all supporting and leading this FreeNow movement and launch. I can honestly say my connection now with Alix (and Shasta) is that we were all baptized at the same church! I was baptized there in the early 80’s as a child. My claw marks are still outside on the sidewalk from the days my Mom would drag me in kicking and screaming. My baptism was more reminiscent of someone trying to wash a cat! lol I’m half kidding but it’s a testament to parents that it’s your duty to at least plant the seed, God will do the rest and believe me God let me shoot arrows into my feet and backside until I was wise enough to figure out life is so much better and you are so much wiser with Jesus at the wheel. For me and this night, I realized this was God’s way of telling me this spiritual war between good and evil is not over, and he (God/Jesus) is just reloading our ammunition and replenishing God’s Armor. Super cool!

Steve Kirsch was in attendance.

Brian O’Shea gave me a shout out on stage by way of Dr. Henry Ealy who are both great forces in their own right. We don’t speak enough about what “Team Ealy” has been doing, but you will all find out soon! Ladies and gentleman, thank you and God Bless you for letting The Eagle hang around with you guys, for the rest of my global brothers and sisters you can get a taste and jump in by click the image below:

I had a moment with Ms. Denise Young walking the ladies out to their cars at the end of the night. I hope we get a chance to speak more Denise since you guys are all about lawsuits. I started to ask, “Did you know VAERS DOES NOT publish all legitimate reports received?” She replied, “Oh really?”

Yes really, what is more damning than that, if the truth ever surfaced that VAERS does not publish ALL reports and flushes most down the toilet? How about throttling reports for months and even up to two years? How about VAERS filing false reports themselves and altering summary narratives and inventing symptoms that do not exist? Like what they did to my uncle’s report that I filed myself? They invented symptoms like psychosis and Parkinson’s which my uncle has neither and they omitted words and phrases from my first hand account in the summary narrative which I wrote myself. I was careful to video document my ORIGINAL submission and I have all the receipts across a few videos you can start to watch HERE and HERE. I’m not coming out of left field here, Bobby Kennedy Jr even told us VAERS was “disappearing” reports back on June 19th 2021 at this very same church, 2min video HERE. Bobby’s revelation is right in line with GDIT’s inventory of incoming and processed reports as per the Josh Guetzkow FOIA’d General Dynamics/CDC documentation. When anybody does the math on what GDIT was saying versus what VAERS was actually publishing at that exact moment in time between Jan 2021 to ~July 2021 you can see the discrepancy now in hindsight. Of course what Bobby was saying was true! 150,000 reports had “disappeared” from the worker bee’s ques and were basically never published as the math now shows!

Am I wrong to think this should be one of the biggest lawsuits in the world? A grenade right into the belly of the vaccine liability shield! What is everybody waiting for? It’s one of the main points Dr. David Martin makes so clearly, that in return for this gifted liability shield there is an obligation and trust to maintain a VAERS system for all legitimate reports submitted! Weed out the duplicates and fakes of course, and of course a disclaimer for the crybabies, that a report is not an admission of causation but a honest report of incident where a vaccination is within the medical history. with our 70-90 shots now on the vaccination schedule along with recommended annual flu shots, it seems like an automatic report can be filed for every office visit to your PCP? I’d file one if I was ever vaxxed and I ever had to visit my PCP, why not and I’m not kidding, this is intended to be a early warning system on metadata. Reach out to me if anyone wants to file a VAERS report and needs some help. I’m compiling a list of Temporary ID#’s versus Finalized ID#’s and I’m seeing the variance and standard deviation grow between the two. That’s huge and yet another smoking gun for those with eagle eyes! God Bless
