Did you know there is already 433 DEATHS in VSAFE, claiming vax caused their death...
There is way more dead kids in VSAFE than I thought!!!
Here is one example:
Not only is there a dedicated field in the VSAFE questionnaire, asking recipient if they believed this vaccine caused their health issues, there is a lot more DEAD KIDS than I previously found or thought…
The reason for more DEAD KIDS, like this example is because a 14yr old dead kid does not have “Relationship” field populated that he is a adolescent under care of adult, nor does his Survey Static ID indicate that he is categorized as “dependent”. This kid is basically bundled into the bucket of adult sized Pfizer vaccines which is basically 12yrs and above, I believe. Poor dead kid aside, isn’t this amount of visibility phenomenal? We can also deduce this is a East Coast kid by time zone, but you better believe VSAFE CDC/FDA people know exactly who this kid is with zip code, telephone number, and probably what the kid eat for breakfast on the day he died.
Do you have this kind of data drilling capabilities in ICAN’s Dashboard? Yeah heck no… It would be nice if people did, that way people could also see there are over 200K adolescents in VSAFE. You’d think Del and Aaron’s hair would be on fire over 200K adolescents but so far no mention of this factoid. I’m still grateful ICAN put the raw data out into the universe, so please don’t hate the player, hate the game…
VaersAware.com is asking for help!
My collaborator Aravind Mohanoor aka Vaccine Data Science aka botflo.com has been instrumental with his artistic rendition of a VSAFE “report” and his github magic to produce a million unique dynamic URL’s pointing to each unique data set within a sample list of a million records. I’m looking for someone to help me push this project over the goal line, and here is what Aravind said to me in the hopes a lightbulb turns on for someone in my audience:
First of all, I wouldn't recommend scaling my approach, which doesn't even use a database and instead uses compressed CSV files and client side JavaScript code, to all the 10 million v-safe registrants. I am not sure it would actually work.
If possible I would suggest you collaborate with the following people instead because they ALREADY have some experience administering databases which power public facing web apps (I don't) and they also have some interest in the topic
1 The person who runs the MedAlerts website
2 The person who runs VAERS Analysis
3 Yes, also OpenVAERS if you are OK with it
Another option:
The code which powers the site is open source and you can ask your audience if someone wants to extend it to cover all the 10 million v-safe registrants:
I still think it would be quite hard to pull it off, but I make no claims to being a 10X Ninja programmer or whatever, so maybe someone else can figure it out.
If none of them are interested, let me know and I can learn and then build the app using a database (as a paid project), although this isn't really my area of focus. What is your budget?
Well Arvind’s 3 recommendations I might ask, I already know well and have worked with 2/3 in the past. I will follow up with Wayne and Dr. Rubin of vaersanalysis.info and medalerts.org for some quick consultation.
Aravind asked what’s my budget? My budget is whatever it takes! I’m as broke as a joke, but my budget is whatever it takes. How many rupees a day do you want for honest days work? How many multiple days will it take? Can Aravind even do it?
So I just blasted the door wide open on VSAFE, where is the ticker tape parade? Where is Mr. Million Dollar Better Steve Kirsch? Where is ICAN, Highwire, CHD or any of our other leaders? I’m not giving up hope and have all the faith in the world, God will send me an angel. Hurry up angel, come now please we are ready to rock-n-roll. God Bless.
Any troglodyte scallywags want to duplicate my efforts and get a dashboard and viewable reports going, please be my guest. I actually wouldn’t mind getting off the wall and stop being the watchmen and get back to a real paying job. At least the world would have some silhouette of a pharmacovigilance system. Now if we can get VSAFE & VAERS to be managed ethically and properly, vaccines wouldn’t even be allowed to exist. God Bless
Need help finding your VAERS report?
Please sign Federal Investigation Petition:
If the VSAFE databse can be downloaded like VAERS, I can do so and run any queries/reports you'd like on the data. Let me know.
Thank you for bringing this out in the open.