Did VAERS scrub more data from more countries than just MHRA and EMA?
Like Isreal, South Africa, Japan, Switzerland, Hong Kong, Philippines, etc?
VAERS mass deleting reports has come back into the lime light recently particularly from the mass purges that went on a couple of weeks ago. I will assume most of my readers will have heard Jessica Rose talk about it and many other people like our good man Aravind. I invoke Aravind now because he’s been putting out some good work, he’s been platformed by people like Jessica and even OpenVAERS.com. I must say Aravind was one of the people that beat me into a state of reasonableness when he suggested I start a Substack in addition to or as opposed to just doing videos. I’m getting the sense most of my Substack followers don’t realize I have a fairly huge video channel on Bitchute, Rumble, Odysee, 153News.net, etc. The most complete “set” of ~600 videos is on Bitchute here: Bitchute.com/channel/welcometheeagle88 , but for various reasons I have some on Rumble or the other platforms that may not be included in Bitchute. Vice versa and every combination. Just wanted to throw that out there, because Aravind again reminded me of something I know I talked about in the past but I can’t find the video. Ugggh!
My man had a good analysis on Japan deleted reports a couple days ago:
In one of Aravind’s last take aways’ he says, “I hope the CDC does not stop publishing VAERS writeups for Japan.”
This recollection brings us here now. Oh yes VAERS did at least scrub thousands of additional write-ups from countries, not affiliated or under the “European Regulators” domain. They, VAERS or whoever should have never had the authority to scrub write-ups and other vital details from the countries I mentioned in the title and many more!
Here is the receipt!:
Before I show you some actual reports I want you to notice MedAlerts apology for only showing max 400 differences aka 400 unique reports. It’s a rare message you will see when VAERS either makes changes that affect more than 400 reports per week or when you initiate a bigger custom query, like show me all the changes made to reports for the last month or couple months, instead of just the changes from this last update. This feature is one of my most favorite parts of Steven Rubin’s Wayback Machine but the whole thing is critical to me and the world, which makes MedAlerts head and shoulders the best and indispensable tool for us VAERS avid enthusiasts. OpenVAERS is lovely and pretty and will appeal to a much broader audience. They both have a need and a space, I’m trying to fill in the gap of data visualizations and be a supplement via my public interactive dashboards. Ok Let’s show Aravind those receipts!
Be sure to click on any of the reports to launch to actual report, however you will see by the two digit country code in the ‘Spilt Type’ field countries like Japan, South Africa, Philippines, Switzerland, Hong Kong, Australia, Israel, etc. have nothing to do with the YellowCard (MHRA) or EudraVigilance (EMA). I owe you a Israel report but that’s your homework, I see quite a few of them in just the ~400 reports that are viewable. I think I feel a final question brewing in the comments that will be asked… Gee Eagle do you have the stats on how many reports VAERS tried to sneak past the world as we were celebrating Christmas 2022 & New Years 2023? The answer is: of course. Also, this wasn’t the only week they shimmey shammed us beyond that initial day on 11/25/2022 and when they initially scrubbed ~571K reports and back to the beginning aka 1990. Boom! Mic drop. VAERS/CDC/FDA is so frustrating and evil. Everything they do is Nefarious my good man Aravind. You like (hate) that Japan death?
God Bless -Da Eagle
Two-letter country codes to country names: